What does the term deoxygenated blood mean?
Deoxygenated blood is blood without oxygen in veins
looking and gathering data
Which lobe is responsible for speech (actually speaking) and motor cortex?
Frontal Lobe
What does the term origin mean?
It is the attachment site which does not move
Why is the left ventricle larger than the right?
Left side is larger than the right because it pumps blood to every part of the body
Making sure other areas aren't harm
Areas of the brain
Frontal lobe, Parietal lobe, Temporal lobe, and Occipital Lobe
change; beyond
Smooth muscles and Cardiac muscles have what in common?
They are both involuntary
Aorta and Aorta Arch
Aorta is the largest artery in the body
Aorta Arch is the arch of the aorta which many people have issues with
subjective perceptions (opinion based)
Where is short term memory located?
It is store in the frontal lobes
pertaining to blood condition
Are lungs involuntary or voluntary
Lungs are both involuntary and voluntary
Pacemaker of the heart
SA Node, located at the top of the heart's upper-right chamber
What does the amygdala involved in?
It is involved in recognizing the emotional content of facial expression
Name 3 Directional movement
Abduction, adduction, inversion, eversion, elevation, depression, flexibility, or extension
Pathway of Blood
2. Bicuspid valve
3. Ventricle
4. Pulmonary Artery
5. Lungs
use of stethoscope to listen to sounds within the body
What does the left hemisphere specialize in?
Language, math, logic operations, and the processing of serial sequences of information and visual and auditory details. Specializes in detailed activities required for motor control.
Name 3 Muscle Tissue Properties
Automaticity, contractility, elasticity, excitability, or extensibility