One who studies and treats (specialist, physician)
What is an -logist?
The middle
What is medi/o
Pertaining to below
What is inferior
Semi sitting with slight elevation of knees
What is Fowler's position?
toward the tail
What is caudad?
jolly ranchers
-al, -ic, -ior,
What means "pertaining to"
the side
What is later/o
Pertaining to the tail
What is caudal
Lying on abdomen facing downward, head may be turned to one side.
toward the head
The record, radiographic image
What is a -gram
jolly ranchers!!
the head
What is cephal/o
pertaining to one side
What is unilateral?
Lying on back, facing upward.
What is supine position?
Pertaining to two sides
What is -graphy?
the term for belly
What is ventr/o
Pertaining to near
What is proximal
Sitting upright in chair or bed, support by pillows behind the back. Sometimes leaning forward over a table.
What is Orthopnea position?
Pertaining to the middle and to the side?
The study of
What is -logy?
Two terms for back?
What is poster/o and dors/o
Jolly Ranchers!!
Pertaining to away
What is distal
Lying on side in a semi prone position with a knee drawn up toward chest and a drawn behind parallel to the back.
What is Sims position?
Jolly ranchers!!
What is Anteroposterior