Social Skills
Stress Management
Relapse Prevention
Summer Trivia

What should I do in program when someone has something I want to use or borrow?

Ask them nicely if I can use it after them


TRUE OR FALSE:  It is ok to look into someone's belongings when they aren't looking.



What are examples of positive coping skills?



-Walking/ Physical Exercise

-Breathing Exercises

-Talking to Others


What are the 3 stages of relapse?

1) Emotional 

2) Mental 

3) Physical


What does SPF stand for?

Sun protection factor


What is an example of a friendly way to greet another client?

-Say hello and ask them how they are doing

-Asking about their weekend

-Greeting them with a smile

- "Good Morning"

Explain what a boundary is. 

A limit that someone sets in regards to how others treat them. 


Smoking is an example of a ______.

Negative Coping Skill


To maintain your sobriety, you need to be able to recognize and identify this

internal (emotional) and  physical (external) triggers


What are summer’s three zodiac signs?

Gemini, Cancer, and Leo


True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to my question, I should repeatedly ask them until they answer?

False. Give them some time to respond. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again.

True or False. I have control over other peoples' boundaries. 

False. I can only set my own boundaries and I must respect the boundaries of other clients.


Name an example of an event that may cause negative stress. 

-loss of a job

-death of a loved one


What is a Mental Relapse

Fantasizing about using, lying, looking for opportunities to use


What Disney movie has two unknowing twins meeting at summer camp?

The Parent Trap


What is an appropriate compliment we can give to one another?

-I like your art, taste in music, clothing, etc.

-You can thank someone and tell them when they are being kind

-Thank them for being a good friend or good listener. 


What is an example of a healthy boundary?

Saying no to other clients that ask to have some of the food you brought back from pantry. 

Asking for some quiet during breaks instead of engaging in conversation. 

Politely asking others to quiet down if raised voices is harmful to your emotional well-being. 


What is the difference between negative and positive stress?

Postive Stess= short-term and motivating (like getting married, having a baby, job interview)

Negative Stress= wears you out and is harmful to your health. It can lead to anxiety, confusion, poor concentration and decreased performance.


A____ is always necessary for an individual to take control of their future sobriety and avoid future relapse.

Relapse Prevention Plan


What summer activity involves almost every muscle in the body?



Another client is repeatedly upsetting you during program, what should you do?

Inform the staff so that they can help resolve the issue. 


What are some ways to set boundaries with other clients?

- Having a discussion about why you need a boundary set

-Ask staff to help you set that boundary 

-"No" is also a complete sentence and you do not gave to justify your boundaries if you do not want to 


True or False: Heightened stress can effect your senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch)

True. It is good to be aware of how your senses are affected by stress so that you are able to practice coping skills that work best for you. 


Beginning to isolate, avoiding own problems, or emotional triggers are an example of what kind of relapse

Emotional Relapse


What is the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth?
