What does the word "knight" mean?
What is servant.
Was the Castle mostly built for defence or comfort.
What is defence. The Castles were not very comfotable at all. They were very dark and cold.
How long did the Hundred Year War last?
What is 116 years
What is a term related to the medieval (Middle Ages) institution of knighthood which has an aristocratic military origin of individual training and service to others.
What is chivalry.
When did the Cursades begin?
What is 1095
Give 1 of the 2 characterizations of Knighthood.
What is feudalism or service as a mounted soldier.
Who lived in the Castle?
What is the lord, his family, his servants, and sometimes the knights.
Who was involved in the War Of Roses?
What is the York and Lancaster families.
Fill in the blank: If a knight used tricks and strategy to overcome an opponent, he was considered a_______.
What is coward.
How far could a cross bow shoot?
What is 2 football fields
What was the tournament that helped train the knights called?
What is jousting.
What is a portcullis.
What is a strong grating, as of iron, made to slide along vertical grooves at the sides of a gateway of a fortified place and let down to prevent passage.
True or False: In 1455 Henery Tudor of the house of Lancaster lost the war to King Richard lll of York.
What is False
How many requirements were knights supposed to obey and agree to follow to in chivalry?
What is 6.
Who was William Marshal?
What is one of the best jousters who ever lived.
Explain what a coat of arms is.
What is a personal design on knight's shields, surcoats, flags, and horse tappngs.
In order if 1st to 4th name the 4 line of defense's in the Medieval Castle's.
What is 1)moat 2)outer wall 3)inner wall 4)keep
Hundred Year War- What Happened in 1453?
What is France controlled all of England's French land excpt Calais.
Fill in the blanks: Behavior, however, did not become perfect by any modern standard. A knight was required to extend courtesy only to _______________________. Toward others his attitude and actions could be ______, ________, and ________.
What is people of his own class, coarse, bullying, and arrogant.
Name which war, which battle, and who, used the longbows for the first time in history.
What is Hundred Year War, the Battle of Agincourt, English foot soldiers used longbows for the first time in history.
Explain and give details of how a boy became a knight.
What is at age 7 he becomes a page, as a page he was a tendent. The page would learn knightly manners and begin to learn how to use and care for weapons. t age 12 he becomes a squire. A squire would be a knight's assistant. The squire would take care of the knight's horse, armor, and weapons. Then, probably when the knight thought that the squire was ready, the squire would accompany the knight into battle. If the squire proved himself to be a skilled and courageous fighter, he would be knighted in an elaborate religious ceremony.
List all the features of the Castle. (9)
What is the keep, stone walls, gate house, fireplace, spiral stairs, the moat, portcullis, outer wall, and inner wall.
Why was the War Of Roses named that?
What is the white rose was the symbol of the House of York and the red was the symbol of the House of Lancaster.
What are all the requirements a knight has to follow and agree to do in chivalry?
What is knights were expected to be courageous in battle, fight fairly, loyal to his friends, keep his word, treat his conquered foes gallantly, and to be courteous to women and the less powerful.