core 4
key 3
principles of story telling
principles of storying pt 1

how many people does the effect how does it affect them the greater the ? the greater the story

 this is impact  


is something that is not seen everyday or regualry 

this is oddity 

  • What is the purpose of your story?

  • What are you trying to achieve with this story?

  • If you don’t know where you are neither will your audience.

 this is clarity of purpose 

  • The best stories make you feel something

  • We can use positive emotion or negative emotion

  • Emotion comes from talking to your subject

 weave in emotion


is the story current.current news have more news value.why is it important today if it is old that it bad news

 this is an examle of timeleness 


 if people disagree and argue it is ?


  • The way that you tell your story needs to be catered to your audience

  • This determines the language and the way that you tell the story

  • Make sure that you know the answer to both of these before you type your story

define ur audince 

  • Use language or imagery that paints the picture

  • Take the audience deeper that what they already know

  • Sensory details help you do this:

use descritive lanuage 


a well known thing person or place.



a story that makes your audience that pulls on the heart string or emotion 

 this is an example of human intrest 

  • People connect with other people

  • Personal narratives, stories or examples make you relatable to your audience

  • Use people affected by the story in it

  • When u use their voice in the story it adds a personal touch, provides credibility, creates a connection to the audince 

find the human angle 

  • Find something unique that will surprise your readers or viewers

  • This will catch your audience off guard and make the story memorable

  • You want your story to be something they have not seen or read before

 infuse novelty 


the closer the story is to the audience the more they will care about it and understand it. 

 this is proximity. 

  • Imagine story as house: should have a strong foundation

  • Spelling,grammar, sentence structure-All these have to create your strong foundation

establish strutcer 

  • Your story should be able to be understood by anyone

  • They should be able to repeat it back to you if you ask them about it

  • When in doubt simplify

 keep it simple