This traditional media form has high credibility and a long lifespan. It has high production costs and is known for being used to share news in communities.
Print Media
When disasters happen and difficult situations need to be addressed, professionals use this type of content to reassure consumers.
Crisis Communication
In agriculture, media helps us to prepare audiences to make informed decisions through _____.
Basic interaction with content through likes, shares etc.
Agriculture began though these kind of societies living off the cultivation of the land.
This media form is highly interactive and provides real time and rapid information sharing. It is easily accessible and free to users.
Social Media
Tutorials and instructions are great examples of how this content can be utilized to inform a variety of audiences.
Educational Content
In agriculture, media helps us raise ____ for agriculturists and the best interests of the industry.
This is used to measure the impact of social media and how you are accomplishing your goals.
This main audience of agriculture invests in industry and businesses through monetary support.
This traditional media form can reach mass audiences but has had lower engagement in recent years. It can have high production costs as well.
Broadcast Media
Often used to promote products and services, this type of content is most utilised by businesses.
In agriculture, media forms allow us multiple ways to provide important news, data and _____ to consumers in real time.
This type of measurement addresses how many people have been exposed to your content, regardless of interaction.
This current trend is a job title for those who promote agriculture online through social media.
Agriculture Influencers
This media form utilizes visual content to tell stories and is highly engaging. It can be timely to produce but is beneficial for those who are visual learners.
Video Content
Conferences, Webinars and tradeshows benefit from this content type, by encouraging audiences to attend.
Promotion and Events
In agriculture, media provides a platform to strategically advertise products and services to target audiences by _____.
This input is direct from audiences and can tell us how to modify media use and content moving forward.
This agricultural communications career involves informing the public and sharing news. Writing is an essential component of this job.
Agricultural Journalist
This media form is flexible and convenient for users but often is for niche audiences. It is often consumed while multitasking, but has limited visual appeal.
Podcasts and Audio
The best way to build trust is by sharing experiences. This content type allows audiences to share honest feedback and opinions.
In agriculture, media helps us build communities of those with similar interests to boost _____ with content related to the industry.
When using media we want audiences to interact with content. How do we account for people who took a desired action?
Throughout history, this goal of agricultural communications has been to connect consumers with agriculture and information.
Bridge the Gap