Books that include facts and information.
What are nonfiction books?
Your phone number, address, credit card number, and birthday are examples of this.
What is private information?
Someone who buys products and services.
What is a consumer?
What website and app can you use to find digital books?
What is Sora?
Name one website that gives multiple perspectives on hot button topics.
What is and
Books that are made up stories.
What are fiction books?
An email, text or phone call where someone tries to steal your private information.
What is a phishing scam?
Facts and statistics collected together to be used for different purposes.
What is data or cookies?
When an online search shows you results based on your previous searches, location or other personal information.
What are filter bubbles?
Sensational headlines created to make people click on link.
What is click-bait?
Books about a specific person.
What are biographies?
When someone uses an app, website or device to start or further conflict?
What is digital drama?
The trail of data you leave when you go online.
What is your digital footprint?
Do this before sharing, reposting, or spreading news you heard or saw online.
What is check other sources to verify if it's true?
You should always do this to verify a news story is true.
What is check multiple (reliable) sites?
The Call # on books in the library is used for this.
What is organizing the books?
Information online that isn't true.
What is fake news or misinformation?
Name one thing you can do to keep companies from tracking your data.
What are turn off cookies, adjust privacy settings, and limit what you share?
Allowing a person to easily find specific content on social media sites.
Four elements that should be included in a strong password.
What are uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
Nonfiction books are shelved according to this.
What are by number, numerically or Dewey Decimal System?
Name three different ways you can spot a email scam.
What are generic greeting, urgency, link in email, misspelling, alert that your account is in trouble, too good to be true, and need to verify account information?
When apps or websites use information they have collected about you to show you certain types of advertisements.
What is targeted advertising?
A unique address that allows users to know what website they are accessing.
What is a URL?
Believing something simply because you already believe something similar to the news report.
What is confirmation bias?