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How was changing the Media from 18th century till now?()

The invention of the printing press, where people could see words on a paper for the very first time in a book form or even in a daily newspaper form. Accompanied by the town crier, someone whose job was, literally, to stand on a street corner and ring a bell and scream messaging out. These are all communication channels. 

At their core, the media wants to inform. They want to educate, they also want to persuade.   That has not changed over many thousands of years. What has changed is the delivery mechanism. It's gotten quicker, it's gotten faster, and it's gotten instantaneous. So we're going to see a continued evolution of these delivery mechanisms, but the intent of the media has always been the same.


What is Social media?

Social Media is the websites and applications, or apps, that allow you to create and share media messages with other people.


Order of adjectives

   • quantity, opinion, size, age, shape, color, nationality, material


What is target audience?

Target audience-is a specific group of people that a media message is made for.


What the word diverse means?

The word diverse is an adjective which means showing a great deal of variety or differences.


How do we skim the text?

When we skim, we're going to read only the title, first paragraph, first sentences of other paragraphs and sometimes the last paragraph.


What is the biggest difference of social media compared to traditional media?

The biggest difference compared to traditional media is the ability to publish user created conten


What is the importance of advertisement and commercial for us?

• Advertisements and commercials tell us about a product, so we can analyse: is this product good for us or not.


Who creates social media?

Media companies 

User created content


What are two important points to have diversity?

What is being told and who is telling it?


What are positive effects of interacting with Media?

One of the main positive effects of interacting with the media is the ability to b educated and education is power. 

It's power to be informed. It's power to make better decisions in your life and be a much bigger part of the community. It's also a way to be connected to be people that you would not necessarily know from all over the world. So the universality of media is the most ultimate expression of being a part of a global community.


What is social network?

It is all of the people you know and interact with. These people can be friends, family, coworkers, or even the friends of your friends.


Strong adjective for expensive

   • exorbitant


Which question helps you to overcome bias by omission?

What points of view are being omitted from this message?


What is dominant group?

These include the dominant group, which is the group of people that has the power and status in a society


What are negative effects of interacting with Media?

Misinformation, oversaturation of messaging, and things along those lines are what are the negative qualities of the media


What is traditional media?

Traditional media is the types of media that have been used since before the Internet and mobile phone technology were developed.


 The exaggeration that you recently heard

   • 400 for right answer


Which question helps you to overcome bias by placement?

How important is this situation for my daily life or society in general?


What is minority group?

The groups of people in society that have less power and opportunity


What are 5 questions we should ask ourselves to analyze  Media message?

1. Who created the message that is being sent?

2. What techniques were used to attract my attention?

3. How might other people understand or interpret this message differently from me?

4. What points of view and values are included or omitted from this message? 

5. Why was this message sent?


What is speed of information?

How fast each type of media can get information to people.


Sing any jingle (in any language)


500 for right answer


Which question helps you to overcome bias by spin?

Does this message want me to have a positive or negative opinion about the topic.


What diversity in media means?

Diversity in the media means telling the stories of the different groups of a society