Source Evaluation
Political Spectrum

What is bias?

Preference towards one thing versus another


What is ONE thing you should be looking for when evaluating a document?

- sourcing

- context

- evidence

- audience

- purpose 

- execution


What is one political party that is on the "left," and one party that is on the "right" of the political spectrum?

Left = democrat

Right = republican


What are three sources of traditional media?

Newspaper, magazine, radio, television, films


How would you describe pathos to a 6 year old?

It's when you use your feelings to make someone do something you want. Like if you want ice cream and your parents say no, you may cry to make them give it to you.


What does NOT count as evidence?

Personal opinion


If an article is trying to persuade you into supporting INCREASED gun control, would this be an example of liberal or conservative bias?


What are "echo chambers?"

When you interact with posts with a specific bias on social media, you begin to see more posts with the same bias. 

When you only get one viewpoint on social media.


What are the four reasons people use misinformation?

1. Persuade someone to believe a different ideology

2. Get someone to have more radical (or extreme) beliefs

3. Get money

4. Get attention


If you're told to identify evidence, what's ONE thing you could be looking for in a document?

- names

- numbers

- places

- documents

- information that can be fact checked


If someone is engaging in "partisan politics," who do they NOT work with?

the other political party. example: a republican who engages in partisan politics does NOT work with democrats.


Before media, what were the socializing institutions that gave people news or informed them on what was happening?

church, family, government, school


Which persuasive appeals does Ross use in this clip to persuade Phoebe into believing evolution?

Ethos and logos


If you’re researching the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, what kind of articles should you be looking for? (Think author...)

Medical journals, articles written by medical experts


The Libertarian party believes in each individual person making their own decisions and having as little government intervention as possible. Are they on the left or right side of the political spectrum?



What is an example of social media reflecting public opinion?

Answers will vary, but class example is Black Lives Matter and opinions on the justice system


How would you use logos, pathos, or ethos in the following situation to get what you want:

Sherry saw that the Croc store was having a sale on Crocs and jibbitz. How can she persuade her family to not only PAY for the shoes, but DRIVE her to the store?

Logos - The shoes are normally this price, and now they're this price... So technically they're not even that much money! AND while I go shopping, you can look around a store you want to see.

Ethos - I wear my shoes to the BONE, so I'll get your moneys worth! I know it's a pain to drive to the store, I hate long car rides, but we can listen to music to make it fun!

Pathos - cry :'-)


If you're about to read an article on increasing/decreasing police funding, what is something to keep in mind while reading

BLM movement, author purpose, are they trying to persuade you


Joe Courtney is one of our state representatives. Based on how he has voted in Congress, do you think he is on the right or left side of the political spectrum?

1. Voted to prohibit job discrimination based on sexual orientation 

2. Voted to increase gun control

3. Voted to provide incentives to energy companies to produce clean energy



What is an example of traditional media trying to shape, or persuade, public opinion?

Political cartoons and WWII, Rwandan genocide and the radio, "The Best Years of Our Lives" for increased care for veterans returning from WWII