Social Media
TV and Music
Gender Roles
Healthy Relationships
Does Snapchat show advertisements? Give one example.
Name where you see sexual behavior advertised with or without a product
What is social media, TV, movies, magazines, YouTube,music videos and internet.
Name two movies with a positive lead female role
What is open to discussion
Name two unhealthy dating behaviors that you see in the media (tv, music, movies, or social media).
extreme jealousy, separation from friends/family, pushing/grabbing,
Name two positive advertisements
What is Open discussion
Which social media app do teens use to gain hundreds of followers?
What is Instagram? What is twitter?
True or false: Ages 13-19 learn about sexual behavior and dating through what they see and hear in the media.
What is True, but open to discussion.
What personality traits are women shown to have in media?
What is Open Discussion
Does domestic violence only happen to certain kinds of people?
What is no; Abuse does not discriminate against age, race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion or culture.
On average, how many commercials do you think a person sees per day?
What is 400-600
How many hours do people from the age of 13-19 spend on social media per day?
What is 4.9 hours per day
60% of female characters are sexualized in what electronic media?
What is video games
What personality traits are men shown to have in media?
What is Open Discussion
How do tv, movies, or social media, portray boys and girls when on dates?
girls: quiet or talking "too much", extremely well dressed, wearing lots of make up etc. boys:have to pay for date, not good listeners,
What are boundaries and how can they be healthy to have when dating?
What is Open discussion
How can social media use influence the spread of rumors?
chat with friends about a pic someone posted comments on pics/posts gossip on snapchat etc.
What form of entertainment shows the greatest amount of sexual behavior?
What is Music videos
What are gender roles and how does media influence them?
What is the role or behavior learned by a person as appropriate to their gender, determined by the prevailing cultural norms. Give examples of how media influences gender roles
What percentage of youth experience cyber-bullying?
What is over 25%?
People of ages 13-19 are extremely vulnerable to a particular type of advertisement, what advertisement & why?
What is Food commercials The brain is vulnerable is the regions that control pleasure, taste, and the mouth.
What does DM mean and how might it be used inappropriately?
What is Direct Message cyber-bullying, inappropriate pictures, rude comments
Talk about how teen sexual violence is shown in the media
What is open discussion. Points for participation
How do critics of entertainment test the strength of the role of female characters?
What is Bechdel Test. Does the piece have two or more female characters? Do they speak to each other? Do they speak of topics other than men?
Name a celebrity couple who you feel has a healthy relationship?
Barack and Michelle Obamba Jay-Z and Beyonce? Gucci Mane and Keyshia Ka'Oir Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen etc.
What is the yearly budget for American companies to advertise products to teens?
What is $15 Billion