IDEA 101
Random Romeos

NH School Districts provide services for special education services from age ____ to _____ 

What is age 3 to age 22 (Medicaid only recognizes to 21)   Legislative update to include possible update.


Group service is provided do we need the actual number of students in the group?

What is true.   A group for Medicaid is defined as 2 or more.  

Term used by Medicaid to Schools to describe related service provider who has been assigned to provide a 30 day review, of carryover of services

What is Team Designee 


Paraprofessional has a substitute while out on medical leave.  Who should document the service.

What is substitute.  


Health Insurance 

Portability Accountability Act

What is HIPAA/protects students health records


The acronym I.D.E.A, stands for 

What is the Individuals with 

Disabilities Education  Act


Means reasonably calculated to prevent, diagnose, correct cure, alleviate or prevent the worsening of conditions that endanger life, cause pain, result in illness or deformity, threaten to cause or aggravate a handicap, or cause physical deformity or malfunction.

What is Medically Necessary Definition


Exclusion list needs to be checked every week

What is false ( upon hire and then every 30 days)


What service would be documented in the IEP if the nurse in your building is expected to provide service

What is the School Health Services

Nursing services need for an outside agency 


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects a students right to this

What is the right to confidentiality


These link to student academic/functional participation at school OT/PT/Speech/Mental Health/School Health Services are all considered what in the IEP 

What are related services


Medicaid to Schools is a state health insurance

What is false- Medicaid to Schools is a federal program


Schools need to know the 1/2 hour rate of all staff providing special education medically necessary services

What is true


Name 4 of the 8 data points needed to make up a 30 day review, related to rehabilitative assistance

What is Student Name, Team Designee signature, date of signature,  Date of session, Session held, 

Type of contact-Face to face, observation, phone call

Areas covered (duties expectation, skill development any training last 30 days)

Notes (issues identified, action to be taken)

Date of next session


Who provides ABA services

What is a BCBA- Board Certified Behavior Analyst


Provided to the parent or guardian annually.  This document outlines the special education process including procedure and state mandated timeline, in addition to notifying parents of their rights.  

What is Procedural Safeguards 


Medicaid is only for people who are considered "poor" under the Federal government guidelines

What is False


An Occupational Therapist is not eligible to "order" services in NH, based on scope of license

What is false-.  A waiver would be completed and sent to Jordan McCormack, NHDHHS


Who played Johnny Castle in the 1987 movie Dirty Dancing?

What is Patrick Swayze


FAPE stands for 

What is a Free Appropriate Public Education


When describing services in the related service or special education service section of an IEP name 3 of the 6 data points that need to be documented

What is frequency - duration- service provider -type of service- beginning date- end date


This document informs the parent about the Medicaid to Schools Program and asks the parent to give us permission to access their public funding

What is called Parent Consent- Permission


In order to bill the Medicaid to Schools Program name 2 requirements

What is Signed IEP , Medically necessary services outlined in Plan, staff document time and outcomes, be serviced by staff who meet Medicaid credentials, Parent Permission, eligible for NH Medicaid

Timeline parent has to sign an IEP

What is 14 days.  


a document that outlines what services a student in special education needs to succeed. Overseen by a team of administrators, teachers, and student support staff, the document outlines any specific needs, additional accommodations, and overall educational goals to implement for that student to learn effectively in the public school setting.

What is an Individualized Education Plan