Skeletal System
Muscular System
Nervous System
Lymphatic System
Integumentary System

What is the difference between a ligament and a tendon...

Ligament: bone to bone connection

Tendon: bone to muscle connection


What are the three specific types of muscle tissue...

Skeletal muscles 

Smooth muscles

Cardiac muscles


Contrast white and grey matter of nervous tissue...

Grey: surrounds brain, nonmyelinated, where information is processed

White: myeliated, is outside


Describe a "hormone" and how it functions in the body...

Chemical messages that are released into the bloodstream


The four different types of of tissues are...

1. Epithelial 

2. Connective

3. Muscle

4. Nervous 


Give an example of one specific bone for each shape classification...

Long bones: Femur, radius, ulna, ect.

Short bones: Tarsals, carpals, ect.

Flat bones: scapula 

Irregular bones: vertebrae 

Bonus --> Sesamoid bones: patella


Describe the four characteristics of muscle tissue...






Contrast the structures and functions of the central nervous system (CNS) and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

CNS: Contains the brain and spinal cord

PNS: Nerves extending out from CNS


Contrast Hypo-secretion and Hyper-secretion...

Hypo: too little

Hyper: too much


The four basic types of membranes are...

1. Mucous

2. Serous 

3. Synovial

4. Cutaneous


Describe and label 5 structures of a long bone

See booklet pg 20


Describe the sliding-filament theory of muscle contraction...

Actin (the thin filament) hooks onto Myosin (the thick filament) and Myosin pulls the two together.


Define efferent and afferent neurons...

efferent: takes impulses out towards muscles

afferent: takes impulses towards the brain


Which two main glands are found in the midbrain...

Hypothalamus and pituitary gland


Name and describe 2 diseases and disorders of the Integumentary system

Acne, Skin Cancer (Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma, Malignant melanoma), Decubitus ulcers (bed sores), Eczema, Lesions, Burns.


Name and describe 3 diseases or disorders of the skeletal system...

Herniated discs: stretched or ruptured disk that puts pressure onto nerves.

Osteoarthritis: Joint degeneration 

Osteoporosis: Decrease of bone mass

Scoliosis: lateral curvature

Kyphosis: hunchback

Lordosis: swayback

Spina bifida: incomplete formation of spinal column in infants

RA: attacks joint lining; is an autoimmune disease

Fractures, Sprains, Strains:


Name each of the 4 quadriceps muscles or each of the 3 hamstring muscles...

Quads: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius

Hamstrings: Semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris

Name the four main parts of the brain...

Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brain Stem, Diencephelon


Which gland produces and stores 9 hormones including Human Growth Hormone (HGH), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), and ACTH

The Pituitary gland


Describe what a gland is and the two types...

One or more highly specialized epithelial cells.

Exocrine glands: Into a duct or structure

Endocrine glands: Into blood or into a passage way


Name and describe 3 bone markings

Foramen: hole or opening

Meatus: tube like passage within a bone

Sinus: lined mucous membrane (reduces weight)

Fossa: depression or groove in a bone

Condyle: a large round prominence on a bone (goes into fossa)

Tuberosity: attachment point for muscles/tendons/ligaments

Trochanter: (Only femur) muscle attachment point

Tubercle: muscle attachment site

Process: growth from a bone being pulled


Name and describe 2 diseases and disorders of the muscular system

Fibromyaligia: hypersensitivity to stimuli

Muscular Dystrophy: muscle destroying diseases characterized by the breaking down of individual muscle fibers

Shin Splints

Sprains and Strains


Name and define 2 diseases and disorders of the nervous system...

ALS, Alzheimer's, Bacterial Meningitis, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Parkinson's, CVA/stroke


Name and describe 3 diseases and disorders of the lymphatic system...

Dwarfism, Gigantism, Acromegaly, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes, Cushing's syndrome


Draw and label 7 Integumentary structures

See booklet pg 18