Behavior Management
Mental Health
Program Information
list 3 tips for communicating with a patient who has confusion
What is set positive mood for interaction, state message clearly, get the attention of the person, state your message clearly, ask simple answerable questions, break down activities into a series of steps, distract and redirect when needed, respond with reassurance, remember the good times (reminisce), maintain sense of humor
list at least 2 signs that you are not taking care of yourself
What is sleep deprivation • poor eating habits • failure to exercise • failure to stay in bed when ill • postponement of or failure to make medical appointments.
list at least 3 feelings about serving in the military
What is pride, strength, moral ambiguity from wartime actions, PTSD, guilt/regret, suffering
Veteran is seeing and hearing things that are not present.
What is hallucination
Who is your Medical Foster Home/CRC Social Worker
Who is Chris Bezy/Lori Paris
walking (seemingly aimlessly), for a variety of reasons, such as boredom, medication side effects or to look for “something” or someone. They also may be trying to fulfill a physical need—thirst, hunger, a need to use the toilet or exercise.
What is wandering
list 3 strategies to manage stress
What is Recognize warning signs early. These might include irritability, sleep problems, and forgetfulness. Know your own warning signs, and act to make changes. Don't wait until you are overwhelmed. 2. Identify sources of stress. Ask yourself, "What is causing stress for me?" Sources of stress might be too much to do, family disagreements, feelings of inadequacy, inability to say no. 3. Identify what you can and cannot change. Remember, we can only change ourselves; we cannot change another person. When you try to change things over which you have no control, you will only increase your sense of frustration. Ask yourself, "What do I have some control over? What can I change?" Even a small change can make a big difference. The challenge we face as caregivers is well expressed in words from the Serenity Prayer: …Grant me the serenity to Accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference. 4. Take action. Taking some action to reduce stress gives us back a sense of control. Stress reducers can be simple activities like walking and other forms of exercise, gardening, meditation, having coffee with a friend. Identify some stress reducers that work for you. Tool #
the age of most World War II Veterans
What is 85 years old +
A Veteran has been crying for days, refusing to get out of bed, expressing thoughts of wanting to die, refusing to eat. He/She has what type of mental health problem?
What is depression
Type of inspections required when opening and annually?
What is Fire/Safety, Social Work, Dietician, Nursing (Enviornmental/PT for Medical Foster Home only)
list 3 strategies to deal with agitation
What is 1) Reduce caffeine intake, sugar and junk food. 2) Reduce noise, clutter or the number of persons in the room. 3) Maintain structure by keeping the same routines. 4) Try gentle touch, soothing music, reading or walks to quell agitation. Speak in a reassuring voice. 5) Keep dangerous objects out of reach. 6) Allow the person to do as much for himself as possible. 7) Acknowledge the confused person’s anger over the loss of control in his life. Tell him you understand his frustration. 8) Distract the person with a snack or an activity. Allow him to forget the troubling incident. Confronting a confused person may increase anxiety
When people have asked if they can be of help to you, how often have you replied, "Thank you, but I'm fine." Many caregivers don't know how to marshal the goodwill of others and are reluctant to ask for help. You may not wish to "burden" others or admit that you can't handle everything yourself. What is the correct action?
What is seek respite, talk to your social worker, find ways to cope with stress
The war that had no clear victory and some felt unappreciated. They also experienced injuries from extreme heat and cold sensitivity
What is Korean War
A Veteran reports having flashbacks from military, anxiety, panic, nightmares. He/She has what disorder?
What is PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)
Frequency of caregiver trainings?
What is two trainings per year and individual training monthly
become suspicious, jealous or accusatory
What is paranoia
On an airplane, an oxygen mask descends in front of you. What do you do?
What is out on your own oxygen mask first. This is taking care of yourself! You have to take care of yourself so you can effectively take care of others!
in this war, Veterans were exposed to Agent Orange
What is Vietnam War
stating wanting to die and having a plan to take their own life
What is suicidal
A Veteran has a fall and is sent to the hospital. Who do you report this incident to?
What is HBPC (for Medical Foster Home) and social worker (CRC)
list 2 strategies to deal with resisting care
What is Break each task into steps and, in a reassuring voice, explain each step before you do it. Allow plenty of time. Find ways to have them assist to their ability in the process, or follow with an activity that they can perform. If a person is alert and oriented, they have the right to refuse. Allow them time and approach again. If behavior continues and is difficult to manage, contact your social worker or HBPC team
Sometimes caregivers have misconceptions that increase their stress and get in the way of good self-care. List 2 of these
What is •I am responsible for my parent's health. •If I don't do it, no one will. •If I do it right, I will get the love, attention, and respect I deserve. •Our family always takes care of their own •I promised my father I would always take care of my mother
respiratory problems, asthma, exposure to high levels of smoke occurred in what war?
What is Persian Gulf
A progressive condition where the Veteran is forgetful, exhibits sundowning, doesn't recognize family and friends.
What is Dementia (Neurocognitive Disorder)
Describe your role as a caregiver
What is providing 24 hour care/supervision, meals, clean home environment, assistance with ADL's, IADL's, ensuring the Veteran is in a safe environment, following policies and procedures of VA program.