Known as the founder of modern nursing. Developed the first scientifically-based school of nursing
Florence Nightingale
The early version of today's pharmacy
Known as the father of microbiology. Proved that microorganisms cause disease
Louis Pasteur
I discovered X-rays
Wilhelm Rontgen
This organization tracks diseases and illnesses, and works to prevent their spread
Published the first anatomy book
Andreas Vesalius
The term for releasing blood to help relieve symptoms of certain medical conditions
Discovered carbolic acid, which was used as the first antiseptic during surgery
Joseph Lister
My theories became the basis for modern day psychology
Sigmund Freud
This invention allowed scientists to view microorganisms and establish the germ theory
Invented one of the first microscopes
Zacharias Janssen
These were developed by the Romans, and improved the cleanliness of homes, streets, and medical treatment locations
Sanitation Systems
Developed the first stethescope
Rene Laennec
I discovered the bacterium that causes tuberculosis
Robert Koch
The invention of this allowed medical knowledge to be widely shared
the printing press
Invented the lens for the microscope
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
This treatment was used by the Ancient Chinese to improve the flow of energy, and restore balance to the mind and body
Became the first licensed female physician
Elizabeth Blackwell
I refined surgical techniques
John Hunter
This time period followed the fall of the Roman Empire, and was marked by a halt in medical research and practice
The Dark Ages
Invented bifocals
Benjamin Franklin
The Ancient Greeks believed that these needed to be in balance in order to have good overall health
the four humours (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile)
Clara Barton
I loved to write, invent, and also helped draft the Declaration of Independence
Benjamin Franklin
Known as the first (unlicensed) female physician. Lived during the middle ages.
Abbess Hildagard