Let me acid/base you a few questions.
Do I look pale to you?
US Government
I can't breath!
Ouch! My kidneys hurt.
Causes of an elevated anion gap metabolic acidosis (AGMA)? [LIST 5]
What are Methanol; Uremia; DKA/AKA/Drugs; Phosphate/paraldehyde; Ischemia/INH/Iron; Lactate; Ethylene Glycol; Starvation/Salicylates?
Etiologies for microcytic anemia. [LIST 4].
What are Iron deficiency; Lead poisoning; Anemia of chronic disease (may be normocytic); Thalassemia; Sideroblastic anemia (may be macrocytic)?
Causes of a non-anion gap metabolic acidosis. [LIST 3].
What are Diarrhea; Ureteral Diversion; RTA; Hyperalimentation; Addison disease/Acetazolamide/Amphotericin; Miscellaneous (toluene, chloridorrhea)?
Etiologies for macrocytic anemia. [LIST 4].
What are Vitamin B12 deficiency; Folate deficiency; Myelodysplastic syndrome; Hypothyroidism; Liver disease; Alcohol; Drugs (esp. chemotherapeutic agents)?
How to correct the AG when the serum albumin is low?
Add 2.5 to anion gap for every 1g/dL that albumin is < 4g/dL.
Etiologies for normocytic anemia. [LIST 3].
What are Renal failure; Aplastic anemia; RBC aplasia; Thyroid disease (may be macrocytic); Myelofibrosis or myelophthisic process; Multiple myeloma
How to calculate the serum osmolar gap?
Estimate serum osmolality as 2[Na] + BUN/2.8 + Glu/18. Osmolar Gap = Osm (measured) - Osm (estimated)
The test that should be ordered when spherocytes are detected on peripheral smear in a patient with anemia.
What is DAT?
How to estimate the arterial blood gas results from a venous blood gas obtained from a peripheral line.
Peripheral blood gas: pH Add 0.03 Peripheral blood gas: pCO2 Subtract 3‐8 mmHg
Differential diagnosis for peripheral smear demonstrating schistocytes and clinical concern for hemolytic anemia. [LIST 3].
What is TTP‐HUS; DIC; Prosthetic heart valve; Malignant hypertension?