What is the dental procedure called that removes calculus and/or tartar
How many times a day should we brush our teeth
What can destroy the enamel of teeth
Ascorbic Acid
How is fluoride absorbed?
In small quantities by the bones of developing teeth.
What is a recall appointment sometimes referred to as:
Continuing Care Appointment
What are the two types of bacteria responsible for tooth decay
How often should we be replacing our toothbrushes
Every three months
When pulp damage has occurred, what are the two treatment options?
Extraction or Root Canal Treatment
Which dental layer is the highest concentration of fluoride found?
What procedures are included in a continuing care appointment
When plaque is not removed, a white lesion may appear on the tooth. What is this called?
What tooth surfaces are used to remove plaque
Between the teeth, interproximal (mesial/distal)
What is another term used to describe Dental Decay
Why should is it important when getting fluoride treatment at the dental office, that it not be swallowed.
What does a dental examination consist of:
Visual Inspection
Oral Cancer Screening
Measuring Periodontal Pockets
What does calcified plaque form
Dental Calculus/Tartar
What type of toothbrush bristles are recommended
What types of foods should be limited between meals
Sugars & Starches
What is a highly concentrated type of fluoride called?
Fluoride Varnish
At what measurement is gum disease present
4mm to 5mm
What is a gummy mass of micro-organisms that grows on the surfaces of teeth and spreads along the roots of teeth called:
What does normal healthy gingival look like?
Firm, resistant, tightly attached to the bone and/tooth and salmon colored.
What can be done to increase enamel resistance?
Introduce topical fluorides
Apply re-mineralizing agents
What is the purpose of Dental Varnish
To help prevent decay, re-mineralize to tooth surface and treat dental hypersensitivity.
What is the purpose of dental radiographs in continuing care appointments
To detect dental decay in between the teeth interproximally