Workplace Law
The Medical Record
Ethics & Bioethics
Death & Dying
This act protects persons 40 years or older against employment discrimination because of age
What is Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
TRUE or FALSE It is okay to delete, erase, or use correction fluid in the medical record if you make an error.
What is FALSE
What is a research program by the federal government to determine or 'map' the sequence of the total number of genes.
What is The Human Genome Project
Explain the difference between withdrawing life-sustaning treatment, and withholding life-sustaining treatment.
Withdrawing = discontinue after starting Withholding = never starting it
A type of research that directly benefits the research subject
What is therapeutic research
There is no contract of employment, means that employment takes place at the will of either the employer or the employee
What is employment-at-will
What is any individually identifiable information that relates to all past, present, and future conditions of healthcare for a patient?
What is Protected Health Information (PHI)
In this type of study, neither the experimenter nor the patient knows who is getting the research treatment
What is a double-blind study
What are the five stages of dying?
What are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
The taking away of a physician's license
What is revocation
Health insurance coverage continuation after an employee has been laid off or left a job.
What is the Consolidated Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
The information relayed to a third party is limited to this
What is the minimum necessary standard
What is the the process of medically altering reproductive organs so as to terminate the ability to produce offspring
What is sterilization
This is a system of multidisciplinary, family-centered care that is designed to provide care and supportive services to terminally ill patients and their families.
What is Hospice Care
Withdrawing a small amount of amniotic fluid from the uterus for genetic testing is called
What is an amniocentesis
TRUE or FALSE Is it legal to ask age, birthplace, martial status, and citizenship in an interview
What is TRUE
TRUE or FALSE Under HIPAA regulations, patients have the right to know how, when, and why their medical information is used.
What is TRUE
A man who donates his semen for insemination of a women who is not his wife
What is an artificial insemination donor (AID)
What is an irreversible brain condition in which the patient is in a state of deep unconsciousness
What is a persistent vegetative state (PVS)
The act expected to expand insurance in the United States so that more people have access to healthcare
What is the ACA
People who tend to believe that their way of viewing and experiencing the world is superior to others
What is ethnocentric people
When a physician may determine if the patient with mental or emotional problems should view the medical record is called this
What is the doctrine of professional discretion
Which medical issues are related to bioethics? A. Cloning B. Stem cell research C. In-Vitro Fertilization D. Withdrawing Treatment
What is A, B, C, D
Explain the difference between active and passive euthanasia
Active = intentional killing of the terminally ill Passive = allowing a patient to die naturally
Who is the most awesome instructor for this class?
Who is Melissa :)