This is the Spanish word for foot
A fiebre is the Spanish term for this common condition
In Spanish, diabetes tipo 2 is the term for this chronic condition affecting blood sugar regulation
Type 2 diabetes
This tool, called un estetoscopio in Spanish, is used to listen to a patient’s heart and lungs
Wearing this type of shoe, referred to as zapatos de tacón in Spanish, can often lead to pain in the forefoot and toes
High heels
The rodilla is the Spanish term for this joint that connects the femur, tibia, and patella
Picazón is the Spanish term for this unpleasant skin sensation
This condition, called pie plano in Spanish, refers to the flattening of the arch
Flat feet
Known as termómetro in Spanish, this tool measures body temperature
This type of foot injury is often common among runners and is known in Spanish as fractura por estrés
Stress fracture
This Spanish word, tobillo, refers to the joint connecting the foot and the leg
If a patient reports dolor en el arco, they are experiencing pain in this part of the foot.
Arch pain
In Spanish, pie de atleta is the term for this common fungal infection affecting the skin
Athlete's foot
The Spanish term jeringa refers to this tool commonly used for injections
This practice, known in Spanish as estiramiento, helps prevent injuries in the feet by loosening up the muscles and tendons
Known as pantorrilla in Spanish, this is the muscle area on the back of the lower leg
Callos is the Spanish term for this thickened area of skin often found on the feet.
In Spanish, espolón calcáneo is the term for this bony growth on the heel
Heel spur
Alicates grandes para uñas is the Spanish term for this tool used to trim thick or hardened toenails
Large nail nippers
This term refers to poor blood flow to the feet, which can lead to pain, swelling, and other complications
Mala circulación
This word, talón, refers to the back part of the foot below the ankle.
The Spanish term uña encarnada describes this painful condition affecting the toenails.
Ingrown toenail
The Spanish term juanete refers to this painful bony bump that forms at the base of the big toe.
Prueba de monofilamento is the Spanish term for this tool used to assess diabetic foot sensation.
Monofilament test
This condition, known as "onychomycosis" in English, refers to a fungal infection of the toenails