Grab Bag
Don't be Nervous System
Don't Stroke Out
Protect Yourself
Nursing Knowledge is Power
Most important lab to review after a client has received chemotherapy.
What is WBC?
The nurse uses the Glasgow Coma Scale to assess a client with a head injury. The Glasgow Coma Scale score that indicates the client is in a coma is a score of?
What is a GCS score of 3 to 6.
Factors that affect cerebral blood flow.
What is...blood pressure, cardiac output, blood viscosity.
The five types of immunoglobulins and their functions.
What are... Ig-A (mucous lining of resp / GI tracts, saliva, tears); Ig-G (most abundant, in all body fluids and protects against bacterial/viral infections); Ig-M (in blood and lymph fluid, first produced in the body to fight new infection); Ig-E (in lungs, skin, & mucous membranes, allergic response); Ig-D (bound to B-lymphocytes)
Patient Teaching regarding Antibiotic therapy.
What is... *Finish Your Antibiotic as Rx, even if you feel better *Do NOT request Antibiotics for the flu or colds *Wash Your Hands Frequently *Do NOT take Antibiotics to prevent illness unless Rx *Let Your HCP know if you have any allergies
Initial nursing interventions for a patient suspected of having an increased intracranial pressure after a motor vehicle collision.
What is...ensure patent airway, stabilize cervical spine, elevate HOB (30-45 degrees), provide oxygen via non-rebreather mask, monitor vitals, frequent neuro checks(LOC), PERRLA, check for CSF leakage, anticipate physician orders of mannitol, hypertonic IV fluids, phenytoin, cimetidine, CT scan
The normal range for intracranial pressure.
What is 5 - 15 mmHg
Warning signs of stroke.
What are...sudden severe HA, numbness, weakness, paralysis of face, arm, or leg (especially one side), sudden confusion, difficult or slurred speech, difficulty understanding, blurred vision (in one or both eyes), dizziness, trouble walking, loss of coordination.
Production of antibodies when a pathogen enters the body.
What is...humoral immunity?
Opportunistic Infections that are diagnosis criterion for AIDS.
What are... {bacterial}mycobacterium, recurrent pneumonia, {fungal}candidiasis, pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PCP/PJP), histoplasmosis {viral}cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex(w.chronic ulcers, bronchitis, pneumonitis, or esophagitis) {protozoal} toxoplasmosis of the brain, chronic intestinal isosporiasis/ cryptosporidiosis
The most reliable diagnostic tool for renal disease.
What is... renal biopsy
Significant subjective data related to the nervous system.
What is history of surgeries, existing medications, current illnesses / conditions, growth / development, history of smoking, adequate nutrition, blood pressure / glucose level control, ADLs?
Results from inadequate blood flow to the brain from either partial or total occlusion of an artery.
What is...ischemic stroke (can be thrombotic or embolic)?
Immune responses initiated through specific antigen recognition.
What is...cell-mediated immunity?
General diagnostic criteria for AIDS
What are...development of at least one of the following in an HIV patient: CD4 count <200; opportunistic infection(s); opportunistic cancer(s){Kaposi's Sarcoma, Burkitt's lymphoma}; wasting syndrome; AIDS dementia complex
Most common type of brain tumor.
What is...metastatic brain tumor (most commonly metastasized from lung and breast cancers)
Glascow Coma Scale assesses the extent of neurological damage and consists of three components:
What is eye opening, response to auditory stimuli, and motor response?
Results from bleeding into brain tissue or the subarachnoid space / ventricles.
What is....hemorrhagic stroke (can be intracerebral or subarachnoid)?
Long term; results from the administration of a vaccine with killed or weakened organisms or following recovery from disease / illness.
What immunity?
Three stages of cancer
What are... initiation{mutation of cell structure influenced by carcinogens, radiation} promotion{reversible proliferation of altered cells; increased proliferation by dietary fat, obesity, smoking, alcohol} progression{FINAL STAGE: increased growth rate of tumor, increased invasiveness, & metastasis}
More reliable diagnostic than a CT scan regarding brain tumors.
What is...MRI and PET scans.
Indicates more serious damage and results from disruption of motor fibers in the midbrain and brainstem.
What is decerebrate posturing?
Diagnosis of stroke (including extent of involvement) is accomplished with these tools. BONUS (50pts) Name additional Studies.
What are...CT scan, CT angiography, MRI, MRA, CT/MRI perfusion & diffusion imaging. BONUS: EKG, chest x-ray, transcranial Doppler, echo, cereberal/carotid angiography, CBC, troponin, platelets, PTT, PT, serum electrolytes, blood glucose, BUN, creatinine, cholesterol, CSF analysis
Temporary; results from injection of serum that has antibodies{source from another person or animal that has produced those antibodies} OR antibodies from mother to infant{protects the baby for about the first 3-6 months}
What is...passive immunity?
Seven Warning Signs of Cancer
What are... C-change in bowel or bladder habits A- a sore that doesn't heal U- unusual bleeding or discharge from any orifice T- thickening or lump in tissue I- indigestion or difficulty swallowing O- obvious change in wart or mole N- nagging cough or hoarseness