GI Assessment
Perioperative Nursing
Medication Administration

Age-specific monthly exams and annual mammograms  are preventative measures against this type of cancer. 

What is Breast Cancer?


The APP just ordered a Salem Sump to be inserted into your patient.  What type of suction do you anticipate to be ordered?

What is low continuous suction?


This term refers to the period when the patient is in the process of having surgery.

What is the intra-operative period?


When administering medication by this route, you place the medication underneath the patient's tongue.

What is the sub-lingual (SL)route?


This skin discoloration that is associated with a later sign of hypoxia is called this.

What is cyanosis?

This is a bluish hue to the skin that occurs with continued hypoxia.


Administering prescribed antiemetics 1 hour before this treatment is encouraged. 

What is Chemotherapy?


This is the best way to confirm the placement of a Nasogastric (NG) tube.

What is a chest x-ray?


This term refers to the period inclusive of the pre, intra and post-operative period.

What is the peri-operative period?


This medication is used to decrease serum ammonia in patients with liver impairments.

What is Lactulose?


When performing a comprehensive assessment of the respiratory system.  The nurse should would perform this as the final step.

What is auscultation of the chest?


______ is a coagulation disorder characterized initially by clotting and secondarily by hemorrhage. It results from an alteration in the balance between clotting factors and fibrinolytic factors. 

What is Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)?


In order to determine how much of a nasogastric tube to insert, the nurse should measure the distance from the tip of the patient's nose to this body part, then from this body part to which end point?

What is the ear lobe and the xiphoid process?


This is the apparatus that helps to prevent atelectasis and pneumonia by encouraging the patient to increase their tidal volume after surgery.

What is an Incentive Spirometer?


Patient teaching regarding Antibiotic therapy.

What is..

Finish your antibiotic as Rx, even if you feel better. 

Do NOT request antibiotics for the flu or colds. 


When assessing a patient who is experiencing narrowing airways, the nurse expects to hear this sound when auscultating the lungs

What is wheezing?


The aim of this care is to provide compassionate comfort care and pain management in the last stages of the dying. 

What is Hospice?


You are assessing a patient who has just returned from the PACU after undergoing resection of a rectal tumor. From the knowledge you have regarding caring for patients with colostomy, you do the following when you notice the stoma to be very red.

What is document the findings, this is normal?


This is an important rationale behind using alternate methods of pain control. These methods include treatments such as aroma, music and pet therapy, along with NSAIDS, nerve blocks, anti-epileptic medications and pain pumps.

What is to decrease opioid use in an effort to reduce or eliminate serious adverse effects such as respiratory depression?  

Other adverse effects include constipation and decreased peristalsis.


You enter your 82 y/o patient's room to administer 8am cefazolin IVPB.  Upon programming the IV pump, you notice the primary IV is infusing at 175 mL/h. You know the order says to run at 75 mL/h and the night nurse hung a new 1000 mL bag at 3 am. Based on what you know, after correcting the IV pump, you immediately perform this assessment.

What is a respiratory assessment of breath sounds?

This patient received 500 extra mL IV fluid which could cause overload, especially an elderly patient. Assessing for basilar crackles would be representative of pulmonary congestion caused by heart failure.


The Med-Surg nurse understands that when attempting to apply the highest concentration of oxygen to a patient, you should use this type of mask.

What is a Non-rebreather mask?


_____ occurs when RBC's become deoxygenated, thus causing stasis and obstruction of the microvasculature, leading to organ infarction and necrosis. 

What is Sickle Cell Crisis?


A patient 1 day post bowel resection, received hydromorphone 1mg every 4hrs during the night, with the last dose approximately 1 hr ago due to increasing pain. Upon initial assessment, you find him lethargic, with a pulse of 119, a BP of 78/49 and a large, firmly distended abdomen. There is no bleeding noted on the dressing.  When you palpate the abdomen he moans with pain. Anticipating this complication. you call a Rapid Response.

What is Post-Operative bleeding?

This patient shows signs of hypovolemic shock. Although there is no bleeding at the incision site, it is within the peritoneal cavity


Early ambulation, anticoagulants and sequential compression devices are all ways to help prevent this post-operative complication.

What is deep vein thrombosis (DVT)?

This can lead to a more severe complication which is pulmonary embolus


You are preparing to administer insulin novolog to your patient. You will not administer prior to the patient's meal arriving because you are aware that insulin novolg is this type of insulin.

What is a rapid acting insulin? 

Novolog has a rapid onset of action.  It can start working in 5-10 minutes after injection and will peak within 1 -2 hrs


This is the most common acquired heart disease in children, usually affects the aortic and mitral valves in the heart and may cause an elevated ESR level. 

Rheumatic Heart Disease