Take your YASS pill babes
Don't be Nervous System
Don't Stroke Out
Brain Form & Function
Nursing Knowledge is Power
Cranial Nerves
CNS Disorders
PNS Disorders

A patient with Parkinson’s disease is prescribed carbidopa/levodopa to treat which clinical manifestation?

What is...Tremors


The nurse uses the Glasgow Coma Scale to assess a client with a head injury. The Glasgow Coma Scale score that indicates the client is in a coma is a score of?

What is a GCS score of 3 to 8.


Name 3 factors that affect cerebral blood flow.

What is...blood pressure, cardiac output, blood viscosity.


Temporal Lobe

Hearing, Speech and Memory


Signs of increased ICP

What is...Restlessness, disorientation, lethargy


The nurse explains the pathophysiology of which disorder involving which cranial nerve that involve unilateral facial flaccidity

What is...Bell's Palsy; CN VII


Hallmark s/sx of Meningitis

What is...positive brudzinki's and positive kernig's


This test is used to diagnose Myasthenia Gravis

What is...Tensilon Test or Edrophonium test


A patient is prescribed a medication that has to undergo routine blood tests

What is...phenytoin (Dilantin)


What physical steps can the nurse take to help reduce increased intracranial pressure (ICP)?

Keep the patient's head in a midline position, HOB elevated and no flexing of the body


List 4 warning signs of stroke.

Facial Drooping

Arms drifting

Speech difficulty

Time to call 911


Occipital Lobe

Receive and translate information from the eyes


Guillain-Barre Syndrome is an excess immune response to infection which affects what part of the neuron?

What is...Myelin sheath


These two cranial nerves do not arise in the brain

What is...CN I; Olfactory and CN II; Optic


What diagnostic evaluation is used to determine a presumptive diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease?

What is...Ruling out other pathologic conditions


A patient with Parkinson’s disease is prescribed carbidopa/levodopa to treat which clinical manifestation?

What is...Tremors


Which one out of the two medication that does not cure which disorder in which decrease the symptom progression

What is...Namenda; Alzheimer's disease


What is...Aricept; Alzheimer's disease


A gauze is used to collect fluids, a portion of that fluid coagulates to the middle

What is halo test


Results from inadequate blood flow to the brain from either partial or total occlusion of an artery.

What is...ischemic stroke (can be thrombotic or embolic)?


Frontal Lobe

Thinking, creativity, and complex thinking


A patient with a Cholinergic Crisis given Edrophonium

What is... DECREASED muscle strength


The nurse may identify a problem with this patient's cranial nerve by noticing a patient lashing out at a UAP after assisting him with oral care

What is...CN V; Trigeminal Neuralgia or tic douloureux


In this form of Multiple Sclerosis, symptoms appear for a short period of time, resolve, then reappear

What is...Relapsing-Remitting


The nurse would explain the pathophysiology of which disorder by saying, "After an viral infection, your immune system created antibodies that affect the covering of the nerves."?

What is...Guillain-Barre Syndrome


This treatment is contraindicated for patients with hypertension, history of angina pectoris and a history of a myocardial infarction

What is...Sumatriptan.


Glascow Coma Scale assesses the extent of neurological damage and consists of three components:

What is eye opening response, verbal response, and motor response?


Results from bleeding into brain tissue or the subarachnoid space / ventricles.

What is....hemorrhagic stroke (can be intracerebral or subarachnoid)?


Medulla Oblongata

Temperature, Pulse, and Respirations


The nurse places the patient under what and receives lab results regarding her patient with this condition. The results show cloudy, elevated WBCs.

What is...Droplet precautions; Bacterial Meningitis


These three cranial nerves are involved in eye movements

What is...CN III; Oculomotor, CN IV; Trochlear, and CN VI; Abducens


The patient arrives in the emergency department suspected with an indirect trauma with impact to the front and the opposite side of the impact

What is...Coup-Contrecoup


"Flight-or-fight" describes the actions of which portion of the peripheral nervous system?

What is...Sympathetic Nervous System


🎵lets go to the beach each let's stop taking phen, they say what they gonna say have a drink, clink, found a budlight🎵

What is...drug holiday


Indicates more serious damage, all four extremities are in rigid extension, with hyperpronation of the forearms and plantar extension of the feet

What is decerebrate posturing?


Patient rushed to the hospital for a stroke. What is your initial intervention?

What is...Immediate CT scan of the head


Parietal Lobe

Recognition, Sense of direction and collection of sensory data


A nurse is preparing to pad bedrails, bed in the lowest position, have a pillow below the patient's head, remove all restrictive clothing, O2 and suction hooked up ready to go when the patient is in which phase

What is...Seizure precautions; Aura


This cranial nerve is above all other cranial nerves

What is...CN X; Vagus


This is the appropriate treatment for a subarachnoid hemorrhage caused by a cerebral aneurysm that has a wide neck and tortuous vascular anatomy. 

What is...Aneurysm clipping


"Rest-and digest" describes the actions of which portion of the peripheral nervous system?

What is...Parasympathetic Nervous System