The prefix is "dis"
What is "to undo"
The suffix is "-ase"
What is "enzyme"
The word root is "pil"
What is "sweat"
What is the abbreviation for "right ear"
What is "AD" or "a.d."
What are body parts below other body parts called?
What is "inferior body parts"
The prefix is "ana-"
What is "up"
The suffix is "-crit"
What is "to separate"
The word root is "ophthalm"
What is "eyes"
What is the abbreviation for "twice a day"
What is "BID," "b.i.d.," or "bid"
What is distal?
What is "a directional term that define body parts away or distant from an attachment point"
The prefix is "erythr-"
What is "red"
The suffix is "-lyte"
What is "dissolvable"
The word root is "encephal"
What is "brain"
What is the abbreviation for "drops"
What is "gtt"
What is a directional term that defines body parts towards an attachment point?
What is "proximal"
The prefixes are "ante-" and "pre-"
What is "before"
The suffix is "-orrhexis"
What is "rupture"
The word root is "pneum"
What is "lungs"
What is the abbreviation for "as needed"
What is "PRN"
What are body parts towards the head?
What is "cranial body parts"
The prefix is "pseudo-"
What is "false"
The suffix is "-sclerosis"
What is "hardening"
The word root(s) are "myel"
What is "spinal cord" and "bone marrow"
What is the abbreviation for "cytomegalovirus"
What is "CMV"
Thoracic cavity contains what?
What is the trachea, esophagus, bronchi, lungs, heart, and major blood vessels?