What is removal, excision?
What is half?
What is joint?
Muscle separating the thoracic and abdominal cavities
What is the diaphragm?
Word Beginning
What is a prefix?
What is disease?
What is above, upon, on?
Double folded membrane that surrounds the lungs
What is the pleura?
Word ending
What is a suffix?
What is derived, resembles?
What is complete, through?
What is red?
Internal organs
What is viscera?
Foundation of a term
What is a root word?
What is surgical puncture to remove fluid?
What is rapid, fast?
What is stomach?
Act of giving birth
What is parturition?
Combination of a root and vowel
What is a combining form?
What is tightening, stricture?
What is gallbladder
Essential distinctive cells of an organ
What is the parenchyma?
Vowel that links the root to the suffix or the root to another root
What is a combining vowel?