The set of bones that encase the lungs
What are ribs?
The main muscle that forms the shoulder
What is the deltoid?
ex. Subdural, subcutaneous
Filters toxins and harmful substances from the body
Directional term that describes being above or directed upwards
What is superior?
Connects the spine to the legs
What is the pelvis?
The largest muscle on the chest.
What is the pectoralis major?
ex. Macronutrient, macrophage
What is the small intestine?
Directional term that describes in front of the body
What is anterior?
Long flat bone in the middle of the chest
What is the sternum?
The muscle that make up most of the posterior part of the arm, proximal to the shoulder joint.
What is the triceps brachii?
ex. Endoskeleton, endogenous
Within or inside
Produces digestive enzymes such as insulin. Looks like corn.
What is the pancreas?
Directional term that describes far or away from the trunk of the body.
What is distal?
The bones that connect the phalanges to the carpal bones
What are the metacarpals?
The largest muscle on the back. Connects the shoulder blades to the lower back.
What is the latissimus dorsi?
ex. Myofibril, myocardium
Processes sensory information, located in the upper back of the brain
What is the parietal lobe?
Lying horizontally, face and torso facing up
What is supine position?
The upper part of the jaw that forms part of the nose and eye socket
What is the maxilla?
The muscles that make up the calves
What is the gastrocnemius?
ex. Pericardium, peritoneal cavity
Around, surrounding, enclosing
The voice box
Near or toward the tail or hind. Posterior.
What is caudal?