This root word refers to "gland"
What is aden/o?
This root word means "head"
Suffix that means "viewing"
What is -opsy?
This root word refers to blood vessels
What is vascular?
Prefix that means complete or through
What is dia-?
This root word refers to "joint"
What is "arthr/o"?
Root word referring to cancer
What is "carcin/o?
What is -scope?
This root word means cell
What is cyt/o?
Prefix that means before or forward
What is pro-?
This root word refers to "heart"
What is cardi/o?
Root word referring to the large intestine
Root word referring to electricity?
What is electr/o?
This color of the answer for $200 is important in order for oxygen to circulate around the body
What is erythr/o?
Suffix meaning "state of"
What is -sis?
This root word refers to "skin"
What is derm/o or dermat/o?
Root word referring to the urinary bladder
What is "cyst/o"?
Suffix referring to a record
What is -gram?
This root word refers to an organ with a large blood supply-the liver
What is hepat/o?
Term that means "knowledge"
What is gnos/o?
This root word refers to "brain"
What is encephal/o?
This root word refers to the largest part of the head
What is cerebr/o?
Suffix referring to the process of visual examination
What is -scopy?
This root word refers to blood
What is hem/o or hemat/o?
Root word referring to the small intestine
What is enter/o?