vessel (blood)
What are the correct terms for red blood cells and white blood cells
erythrocytes, leukocytes
disorder involving a deficiency of red blood cells
Drug that fights or prevents bacterial infections
What does the abbreviation c/o stand for?
complains of
What is the primary job of thrombocytes (platelets)?
help form blood clots to slow or stop bleeding and to help wounds heal
malignant cancer of the lymph nodes and lymphatic tissues
blood transfusion
What is the difference in natural and acquired immunity?
Natural - the type of immunity with which you are born.
Acquired - When the body's immune system is exposed to and learns to defend against one type of pathogen
What substance helps remove waste, toxins, and other harmful substances from the body?
Suppression of the immune response caused by an exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which destroys the body's infection-fighting T cells.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
The replacement of diseases bone marrow cells in a Pt with healthy bone marrow cells from a donor
bone marrow transplant
Small bundles of lymphatic tissue located in the walls of the small intestines.
Peyer's Patches
blood condition
What organ serves as a reservoir for blood and also filters the blood by destroying worn-out RBC's. this organ controls the amount of blood in your body.
What is the correct medical term for the enlargement of the spleen?
Surgical removal of an entire lesion or tumor for microscopic examination
excisional biopsy
Small masses of lymphatic tissue that form a protective ring in the pharynx (throat), and name one type.
tonsils: palatine, lingual, adenoids
stoppage of flow
Name one function of the blood
RBC's carry oxygenated blood to the body's tissues and remove CO2, WBC defend against infection/disease, blood platelets help your blood clot. bone marrow manufactures new blood cells.
Disease in which the immune system attacks the cells or tissues in one's own body
autoimmune disease
A routine test in which the total numbers of RBC's, WBC's, and platelets are determined, as well as hemoglobin, hematocrit and WBC differential
complete blood count (CBC)
The liquid portion of blood that contains water, hormones, proteins, sugar, salts, and waste products.