Getting the Facts Straight
Anatomical Gray Area
Nerd Medicine
Bad Medicine

What is the name of the body system that is made of blood and blood transporting structures?

Circulatory System, Cardiovascular System


In September of 2020, which fire station based show did Grey's Anatomy collaborate with?

Station 19


What is the name of the anime based on the misadventures of a red blood cell and a white blood cell?

Cells at Work.


What is the term for intentionally making a medical error that leads to patient harm?

Medical Malpractice or Medical Negligence


What are three symptoms of the following condition: Influenza

Fever, chills, muscle aches, cough, congestion, runny nose, headache, fatigue.


What directional term refers to the head?



Who is the Chief of Surgery and one of the Attending General Surgeons at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital?

Amanda Bailey


What infamous Reddit post, titled now after the infamous quote within it,  featured a woman having an extremely large perineum cyst being removed?

"The Swamps of Dagobah"


What is the term for an unqualified professional that claims to have medical knowledge or skills?

Quack Doctor


What are three symptoms of the following condition: Laryngitis?

Cough, dry or sore throat, fever, malaise, congestion, runny nose, impaired speech, hoarse voice, phlegm buildup, difficulty sleeping, swollen lymph nodes.


What does the acronym AKA mean?

Above Knee Amputation


What is the title of the episode where Dr. Derek Shepherd dies in Grey's Anatomy? Bonus points for correctly guessing both the season and episode number.

How To Save a Life, S11 E21


What is the name of the music album created by Paul Kirby, under the moniker of The Caretaker, that is focused around a story of the progression of dementia?

Everywhere at the End of Time


What New Jersey nurse confessed to killing up to 40 patients during the course of his 16 year career? Bonus points for guessing the amount of years or life sentences eh was sentenced to.

Charles Edmund Cullen, sentenced to 18 consecutive life sentences.


What is one symptom of the following condition: Myocardial Infarction?

Pain between shoulder blades, pain in the arm, pain in the chest, jaw pain, pain specifically in the left arm, upper abdominal pain, pain similar to a fist in the chest, pain during rest, dizziness, fatigue, lightheadedness, clammy skin, cold sweats, sweating, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, discomfort or tightness in the arm, discomfort or tightness in the neck, anxiety, chest pressure, a feeling of impending doom, palpitations, shortness of breath, shoulder discomfort.

Name one of the bones located in the axial portion of the skeleton.

Skull, spine, vertebrae, etc.


What is the original name of Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital?

Seattle Grace Hosptial


What is the name of the blood type in the sandbox game "People Playground" has an acidic effect on whatever it enters, apart from its creature of origin?

Gorse Blood


What soda used cocaine as an ingredient and was marketed as a cure for morphine addiction?



What are three symptoms of the following condition: Subdural Hematoma

Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting, headache, dysphagia, confusion, muscle weakness, sleepiness, slurred speech.


What is the duodenum?

The first portion of the small intestine.


How many times had Meredith Grey almost died? Bonus points for naming all of the events that almost killed her.

Seven times. Events: Live bomb within a patient, almost drowning, telling a hospital gunman to shoot her, plane crash, ruptured spleen in a power outage, patient attacking her, COVID.


What are the Cure Potions in "South Park: The Stick of Truth" made of?



What was the surgery being performed by doctor Robert Liston that resulted in the only surgery to date to have a %300 mortality rate? Bonus points for telling how the people died.

Amputation. Patient died of infection, assistant died of infection, bystander died from shock.


What is one symptom of the following condition: Spondylolisthesis?

Pain in the legs, thighs, or buttocks that worsens with standing, lower back pain, hamstring tightness or tenderness.