Medicare Basics
Parts of Medicare
Coverage & Costs
Medicare Benefits

What government program provides health insurance to people aged 65 and older, as well as certain younger individuals with disabilities?

What is Medicare

I was the feature composer in this month's Piano Explorer.
Who is Georg Philipp Telemann

Who is eligible for Medicare benefits in the United States?

Who are individuals aged 65 and older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)?

If you add two of these together, you get a total of two beats.
What are quarter notes?
I was featured as the very first student in the KeyNote Student Highlight.
Who is Logan Schlosser

How many parts does Medicare consist of, and what are they?

What are four parts (A,B,C,D)

When you see this symbol above a note (usually at the end of a piece) it means to hold the note longer than usual.
What is a fermata

What is the penalty for enrolling late in Medicare Part B, and how is it calculated?

What is 10% per 12 months you have missed since you were eligible.

This word in your music means to gradually get louder.
What is crescendo
I am attending and competing at SDMTA this weekend.
Who is Mariah Mikkonen

What is the initial enrollment period for Medicare, during which individuals can sign up for Parts A and B without paying a late enrollment penalty?

What is the Initial Enrollment Period (IEP)?

This is a piece of music in which one instrument (or sometimes a group of instruments) plays a solo while an orchestra plays accompaniment.
What is a concerto

Special times to apply in the year

What are circumstances such as losing employer coverage, moving out of a plan’s service area, or becoming eligible for Medicaid?

This time signature means there are four beats in the measure and the quarter note gets the beat.
What is 4/4
I am a composer featured in this newsletter. I wrote the symphony called "Appalachian Spring".
Who is Aaron Copland

Which part of Medicare primarily covers hospital stays, skilled nursing facility care, hospice care, and some home health care services?

What is Medicare Part A?

For people who want to be a professional musician, this kind of band is an interesting option, even though there are a small number of them in the United States.
What is a military band

Number of months to apply when turning 65

What is 7

This is the name of the clef on the top part of a grand staff, often played by the right hand.
What is the treble clef.
This is one of the main reasons listed by NAfME why music study benefits children (more than one answer acceptable).
What is music is a part of our society. What is music provides success in school. What is music develops intelligence. What is music benefits children in life including spiritually, psychologically, and physically.

True or False: Medicare Advantage plans, also known as Part C, are offered by private insurance companies and often include coverage beyond Original Medicare.

What is True?

Maurizio Pollini, the featured modern pianist, was born in this country.
What is Italy
Halloween originated with this group of ethnic people.
Who are the Celts
This type of song includes an exposition, a development, and a recapitulation.
What is a sonata or sonatina
"More", to emphasize a style or tempo, from the Italian language, derived from the Latin word "plus".
What is piu