The source of truth for eligibility
What is One Source?
Happy Birthday! This age entitles you to Part A
What is 65?
I will be covered for these appointments
What are doctor visits?
I can sign up anytime - I have Medicare + Medicaid, aka
What is dual eligible?
Ruh Roh :(I forgot to sign up during my Initial Enrollment Period - now I'm stuck with this
What is a late penalty?
Insurance expert every patient meets with at 1st visit
Who is the PRM?
The amount I have to pay for a hospital stay before Medicare kicks in
What is the deductible of $1,484 for each benefit period
The amount you must pay for health care or prescriptions before Medicare kicks in
Dental, Vision, Gym membership, OTC, meals, transportation, etc.
What are Medicare Advantage benefits?
Phew! My PRM helped be sign up for this federal program and now my drug cost is SOOO much lower
What is "Extra Help" or "Low Income Subsidy"
Don't count on getting this filled
What are prescriptions?
Bottomless pockets $$$$
What is no Out-Of-Pocket maximum?
Cost of having Part B
What is the monthly premium?
We call this person & warm transfer when a prospect needs to switch insurance plans.
Who is an IA?
List of drugs and drug tiers
What is the formulary
Typical time breakdown
What is 2hrs: 20, 40, 40, 20?
Hospital coverage AND
What is Hospice, Skilled Nursing Facility and Home Health Care?
Bummer - I didn't enroll when I was eligible, now I'm paying this every month
What is a 10% per year penalty?
Why we LOVE AEP!
What is the one time that everyone on Medicare can change their insurance plans and sign up for Medicare Advantage.
The worst part of the donut
What is the Donut HOLE?
Insurances we accept
What is
Medicare Part B
Medicare B + Supplemental
BCBS Medicare Advantage plans
Medicare B + Medicaid
Pay now or pay later - your working history determines how much you pay
What is $0 if you work 10 years or your spouse does.
Oh happy day!! Prospect has Neighborhood but is listed in One Source as QMB!!
What is the ability to switch their insurance throughout the year?
Pockets with bottoms - $7,550 is the most you'll pay in a year
What is the Out-Of-Pocket maximum that is required on all Medicare Advantage plans?
The insurance negotiated price + the copay =
What is the total cost of the drug?