What is Covered?
What is Not Covered?
WHO is covered
Premiums and Deductible and Copayment

You break wind, just to remember that you are not alone when you hear an "Ew!" from the other side of the curtain. You are in a ___ -_____ ____.

What is semi-private room?


A small pack of Motts apple sauce, an orange juice carton, at your bedside in a room while you are partially covered by a thin gown.

What is Hospital Meals?


In Spanish the age most people become eligible for Medicare is SESENTA Y SINCO ANOS. Translate this to English. 

What is 65 Years old?


John's Birthday is April 1st. When first enrolling into Medicare, _____ ___ will be his coverage effective date. 

What is March 1st?


The monthly amount you pay for health insurance.

What is the Premium?


Marybeth (homebound) has taken a fall in her home.  Her primary physician orders 6 home health care visits to provide medical services such as part time nursing care with physical and occupational therapy. This is covered under her Part A ____  _______  ___ Benefit.

What is Home Health Care?


Miss Daisey's driver just quit. Since ________ isn't covered under Medicare Part A, she should be nicer to her future drivers.

What is Transportation?


Mary must have __ work credits to be eligible to begin receiving Medicare Part A at no cost.

What is 40?


Mary is turning 65 next week. She has not received any information regarding Medicare. She should contact _______ ______ to ensure that she is enrolled into Medicare Part A.

What is Social Security?


The annual premium for most people.

What is $0?


You wake up after the anesthesia wears off, and slightly in a daze, you are soon carted out of the __________  ____ and into the ______  ____.

What is operating room; recovery room?


Victoria and Jerome had the best 50 year wedding anniversary in Mexico until Jerome had a super hot tamale that landed him in a Mexican hospital.  They just received the bill in the mail and nothing was paid by Medicare.

What is Most care outside of the United States is not covered?


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is another name for this disease. The disease claimed its namesake's life in 1941.

What is Lou Gehrig's Disease?


Pete is turning 65 on November 9th. His Initial Enrollment Period is between _______ __and _______ __.

What is August 1st and March 1st?


The amount paid for covered health care services before your insurance begins to pay.

What is the Deductible?


Fortunately, the Dodd family was pleased to know that moving their Dad to the heart ________ ____ unit was okay with Medicare and covered.

What is intensive care?


Jackson has spent the night at the hospital and the hospital released him without admitting him officially. In order to be covered, Part A requires that the patient be ________ ________ into the hospital.

What is Officially Admitted?


Quincy was approved for Social Security Disability on February 26, 2020. The earliest he may be eligible to apply for Medicare based on his having Social Security Disability, regardless of his age, is in __ ____ or ON _____ __, ____.

What is 24 months or February 26, 2022?


True or False: 

Amy is turning 65 next month. She can keep her group coverage with her employer after turning 65 by delaying Part B of Medicare.

What is True?


Ella Mae just entered Hospice care. Her daughter asked how much her grandmother was paying for prescription pain medication.

What is up to $5 per prescription?


In _____  _____, John has enough _______ to manage symptoms and control pain before he takes his extended rest.

What is Hospice Care; Medication?


Bob broke his femur.  He was in the hospital for 10 days and needs to be released to a rehabilitation facility.  Bob's family thinks he would be better off at home, so they hire an in-home agency to take care of him at his home.  The family thinks that Medicare will pay for these services. Medicare Part A will only pay for a Medicare ______  ______ if the patient was in the hospital for at least 3 days and if the SNF stay begins immediately after release from a hospital stay of at least 3 days.

What is approved facility?


Hyrum just turned 65. He is not a US Citizen, but he has been legally living in the United States for 3.5 years. He applied for Medicare upon turning 65, but he was denied. Provide the reason.

What is you must have five years of continuous residence in the U.S. immediately prior to Medicare enrollment to be eligible for Medicare Part A?


Sam has a work history for 31 quarters. Sam's Medicare part A premium in 2024 will be ____ per month.

What is $278?


LeRoy was in the hospital and hated the healthy pizza he was being served. He said "I'm paying $408.00 PER DAY for THIS for the next 30 days!?"

What is the Part A  Hospital copay for days 61-90?