Category of drugs used to alter pH of gastric secretions, reduce gastric volume, and promote pyloric emptying
Histamine antagonists
Medications used to permit rapid transition from consciousness to unconsciousness by quickly bypassing the excitement phase of general anesthesia
induction agents
Listing of common medical conditions that a particular medication is used to treat
Type of neuromuscular blockade that can cause muscle fasciculations and cannot be pharmacologically reversed
Depolarizing agents
Potent liquids inhaled via a vaporizer to produce general anesthesia through CNS depression and decreased EEG activity and muscle tone
volatile agents
The effects of a pharmaceutical agent at the target site; includes theories of receptor, enzyme, and nonspecific interactions
drug actions
IV fluid that is a solution of water and serum electrolytes; similar to plasma
Ringers solution
Anesthetic agents delivered through the anesthesia circuit; pass into the bloodstream via the respiratory system to maintain unconsciousness
inhalation agents
Class of medications that are available without physician authorization
Category of Class IV controlled drugs with sedative/tranquilizer effects: adjunct to general anesthesia; produces amnesic and muscle relaxation effects
Fluid component of blood containing blood clotting factors removed from one unit of whole blood
fresh frozen plasma
Metabolic processing of a drug within the body; includes absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and excretion
Reversal agent for opioids that works by competing for CNS receptor sites preventing opioid binding; naloxone HCl (Narcan) is commonly used
Narcotic antagonists
Markings on syringes and containers that allow for precise measurement
Study of the interaction of drug molecules with the target cells of living tissue