Med Errors/Misc
First Aid/Side effects

What are the 6 rights of medication administration?

What is the Right person, Right Medication, Right dose, Right time/date, Right route, Right documentation


T/F  We can “Hold” medications without a providers orders

What is False. We can not Hold or "H" a medication without an order. 


This person fills out the medication error report when an error occurs?

Who is the person that found the error


Minor scrapes/cuts should be treated this way:

What is wash with soap/water, apply antibiotic ointment, apply bandage


Flu or cold?

Usually doesn’t cause fever

What is a cold


You have been given Nursing instruction to give Bob his initial dose of a new antibiotic now even though it is not the usual scheduled time. How would you document this medication since it was given outside the scheduled time?

What is initial, circle and explain on back of MAR


What does MAR stand for?

What is Medication Administration Record


Its 7pm and you notice that you forgot to give John his 5pm medication. 

What do you do?


What is:

1. Check on John, is he ok? 

2. Contact person suspected of making the error. 

3. Call supervisor who will then call Nursing for further instructions. 

4. Fill out medication error form/worksheet


How to position a person to control a nose bleed

What is Sitting upright with head and body leaning slightly forward.


What are 3 common symptoms of a urinary tract infection?

Burning with urination, frequent urination, Blood in the urine, foul odor


A person served has loose stools and has a scheduled dose of Colace in 15 minutes. The order reads 

Colace 100mg oral every HS constipation.

What are your next steps?

What is call supervisor/Nursing for direction unless order specifically states to hold if diarrhea/loose stools


When administering ear drops, how would you pull the ear to straighten the ear canal?

What is up and back



These medications need to be stored separate in the medication cabinet

What are Orals and topicals


These are the first steps for treating a MINOR burn:

What are Cool the burn under cool (Not cold) water and cover burn with a bandage


What are 2 symptoms that would be concerning of a heart attack? 

Chest pain/pressure, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea


What needs to be written on the envelope when packaging medications for a person served?

1. The Person Served name  

2. Medication and dosage  

3. Directions for giving  

4. Time/date

5. Rx Number


What do you do if a medication order calls for ½ tablet and all you have is full tablets on hand

What is call supervisor who will then call nursing. Only Nursing or pharmacy can split tablets. 


At 8pm you notice that the 8am medications were not initialed off as given. What do you do?

What is call the staff that was responsible for the 8am medication pass to see if they were administered. If not administered fill out medication error form and notify supervisor. If meds were given but not initialed: 48 hours to return and complete initialing or documentation error.


This is the first thing you should do to stop bleeding

What is apply direct pressure


What are 2 symptoms of a stroke?

Numbness/weakness in face/limbs on one side of the body, slurred speech, confusion, facial drooping, headache


Johnny has a prescribed cream at HS that is to be applied to his groin rash that has been causing him a lot of discomfort. When you attempt to administer the cream Johnny adamantly refuses despite multiple attempts and explanation of the cream's importance. What do you do next?

What is document the medication refusal on the MAR with an "R" and explanation on the back. May need to update supervisor/Nursing. Document in health notes. 


You have double staffing for 2 hours in the morning for 4 people served. Each staff provide cares to 2 people each. Who administers each of these people’s medications?

1 Staff member should be designated to administer all medications scheduled that shift including PRN's.


Jack has medications ordered for 7am on an empty stomach. You notice when clearing breakfast that the med cup still had his pill in it. What do you do and why?

What is: Contact Supervisor/Nursing. Fill out med error form and worksheet. 

Why? He did not get his medication on an empty stomach as ordered and has now eaten breakfast. 

You left medications unattended and did not watch or verify they took them

Always watch the person swallow the medications when administering and never leave medications unattended. 


CPR stands for this

What is Cardiopulmonary resuscitation


What are 3 medications that can be used to treat depression?

Prozac, Celexa, Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox, Lexapro, Remeron, Effexor, Cymbalta etc


June has requested some Tylenol for her chronic left shoulder pain. All she has in her bin is Acetaminophen. You think you are pretty sure this is the same medication. Which right is this referring to and where would you look to be sure you are following that right and protecting it?

What is the right medication

What is Go to the Side Effects binder and locate the medication explanation handout. Locate the generic and Trade name of this medication to verify the medication is in fact the same. 


How much time is needed before and after meals in order to give a medication on an empty stomach

What is 1 hour before meals and 2 hours after


At the 8am med pass you notice the medications from the night before were not initialed off. After calling staff and investigating you find that Anna had been given Jims medications for 8pm and Jim had not received any medications at that time. Which of Anna's 6 rights have been violated in this scenario?

What is Right person, Right Med, Documentation


A ____ ______ is an unwanted undesirable effect that can occur when taking a drug or medication

What is a side effect


The document you should follow for instruction on when to call 911 for a person served having a seizure. (With a known seizure disorder)

What is the seizure protocol


When to perform your 3 checks during medication administration

What is when removing the medication from the Bin, before opening or removing the medication and before administering the medication to the person


Jane D is requesting you leave the cup with her AM medications on the table after you had already dished them and she will take them when she gets done with her makeup.

What do you do?

What is Explain to Jane that you cannot leave medications unattended. You must watch the person take all medications.


At Breakfast Billy states he hasn't had a BM for 3 days. He is requesting something for it. What medication on the RSO list can you give him?


The RSO states MOM 1ounce oral at BEDTIME as needed. It is breakfast time. 


This contains printed information on potential side effects of medications our people served are administered

What is the Medication side effects binder


You find Steve sitting in his recliner chair and notice his arms, legs and head are shaking/twitching. You know that Steve has had seizures in the past but unsure what to do. This is where you will find a copy of his seizure protocol to determine if you need to call 911

What is in the MAR binder under his tab/name.


Jimmy has an order for Ativan 1mg po qhs PRN – Anxiety

After his morning shower he requested an Ativan.  

How do you document this on the MAR?

You don’t document on MAR. Order states qhs PRN so can not be given after his morning shower.


Its 3pm shift change. The AM staff reported to you that Bill requested a Tylenol for a 4/10 headache an hour ago. She gave bill 325mg of Tylenol from the RSO list at 2pm. She transcribed the order from the RSO list onto the PRN MAR in an empty box at the top of page as follows:

Tylenol 325mg 2 tablets oral every 4 hours as needed for pain or Temp over 100.6 

She documented giving the PRN including the Date/Time/Medication/Dosage/Route/Reason and Signature 

What is important that you do regarding this PRN administration? 

Fill out medication Error report.

The order for RSO Tylenol states Tylenol 325mg 2 tablets oral every 4 hours as needed. Bill was only given 1 tablet of Tylenol 325 mg when order is for 2 tablets. 


You come on shift on 6/11/24 at 8am and the night staff report that Jim bob has had a runny nose/cold symptoms for 2 days. He was given Claritin from the RSO’s the day before. He continues to have a runny nose/cold symptoms. You see that the RSO states:

Claritin 10mg 1 tablet oral once daily as needed for cold symptoms.

The last Claritin entry on the PRN sheet reads:

6/10/24 7:00 Claritin 10 mg 1 tab oral cold symptoms.    J. Doe DSP

Should you give him another dose of Claritin?


There is no AM or PM on the last entry so you don't know if it has been 24 hours since his last dose. The person that administered the last dose must be contacted to verify when his last dose was received. 


Karen has started a new antibiotic today for her UTI. She now is complaining of her tongue feeling itchy and “Bigger” and you notice her lips and face are swollen. 

1. What might Karen be experiencing?

2. what do you do?

1. What is Anaphylaxis or Severe allergic reaction

2. Call 911 and Use Epi-pen if person has one available or Call 911 immediately


Medication that is prescribed to treat the symptoms of mental illness that affects the thought processes, mood, sleep or behavior? 

What are Psychotropic Medications