Commonly used in allergy skin testing
What is intradermal injections?
Most common size syringe used for IM injections
What is 3cc
Angle of the SubQ injection
What is 45 degrees?
Muscle in the upper arm for IM injections
What is deltoid muscle?
Medications dispensed into the respiratory tract
What is inhaled?
Area for ID injections
What is anterior forearm?
Four IM injection locations
What is Deltoid, vastus lateralis, dorsogluteal, and ventrogluteal muscles?
Duration patient should wait after injection and why
What is 20 -30 minutes; see any reaction.
What is ventrogluteal site?
Medications administered between the cheeks and the gums
What is buccal?
Needle size for ID injections
What is 27g 1/2, 25g 5/8, 26g 3/8?
IM injection angle
What is 90 degrees?
SubQ injection location
What is under the skin in the fat (adipose) tissue?
What is subcutaneous injections?
Medications that are applied to the mucous membranes and the skin
What is topical?
Fluid makes this under the skin?
What is a wheal?
Needle sizes for IM injections
What is 23gx1in, 22g 1in or 1 1/2 in, 21 g 1 inch or 1/2 in?
Additional body parts for SubQ injections
The upper chest, upper back, and forearm for this administration site
What is Intradermal?
Medications that are measured on a flat surface at eye level
What is liquid?
This test determine if a pt has been exposed to Tuberculosis
What is Tuberculin skin test?
Measurement of the deltoid muscle found
What is 2 fingers width?
SubQ injections used for
What is small dose of nonirritating medications (ex: Immunizations and insulin)
This injection site uses medication or therapeutic solutions that maybe injected directly into the blood streams
What is Intravenous Therapy?
Medications that bypass the GI system for quick absorption
What is sublingual?