Medication Safety
Routes for Medication Administration
Sites and Equipment for Medication Administration
Pharmacodynamics + Pharmacokinetics

2 patient identifiers for medication administration

What is name and DOB?


Otic administration for a child under three years old.

What is pinna down and back.


Example of an intradermal injection, and the angle of administration.

What is a TB test? What is 10-15 degrees?

The term for "what the drug does to the body."

What is Pharmacodynamics?


The name of medication that you will need another nurse to witness your dose.

What is insulin?

Two behaviors to avoid during medication administration...
What is poor lighting, noise, talking, distraction, leaving medications unattended.

Dispenses fine particles of medication into deeper passages of respiratory tract where absorption occurs.

What is a nebulizer?


What are three sites for IM injections?

What is ventrogluteal, deltoid, and vastus lateralis?


The time it takes for the drug to fall to half its strength through excretion.

What is half life?


The term for reviewing and obtaining patient's current medication list and comparing it to the current facility list. National Patient Safety Goal.

What is medication reconciliation?


Name two instances where you would ensure medication reconciliation is complete.

What is admission, surgery, transfer, discharge?


Name 2 sites for subcutaneous injections.

What is the outer lateral aspect of the upper arm, the abdomen (from below the costal margin to the iliac crest and more than two inches from the umbilicus), the anterior upper thighs, the upper back?


What method do you use for IM injection administration?

What is the Z-track method?


Name two factors that affect pharmacokinetics.

What is weight, gender, age, physiological, genetics, tolerance, environmental, pathological, interactions?


Name 2 medications that can be given SQ?

What is insulin, heparin, lovenox?


What are some basic guidelines for giving medications? Name 2.

What is always check ID band, watch patient take drugs, never leave drugs at bedside, if label is not clear return to pharmacy, listen to the patients comments.


Explain how you draw up and mix NPH and regular insulin.

What is inject air into cloudy, inject air into clear, draw up clear, draw up cloudy.


What type of needle do you use for drawing up medication from an ampule?

What is a filter needle?


Name 2 symptoms that are related to an allergic drug reaction.

What is hives, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting?


This type of inhaler is activated by the patient's breath.

What is a dry powder inhaler?


When do most needlesticks occur?

What is recapping?

The 7 rights for medication administration are...

What is 1. right med 2. right patient 3. right dose 4. right route 5. right time 6. right reason 7. right documentation


What are the angles for IM and SQ injection?

What is IM 90 degrees and SQ 45-90 degrees?


Name 2 sources of drug information that you can use as references to access information about certain medications. 

What is the internet, nursing references, drug labels, package inserts, Epocrates, journals, physician desk reference?


The three checks for medication administration safety are...

What is 1. when you reach for the medication 2. After you retrieve the medication from the drawer and compare it to MAR 3. At the bedside