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Are You Gonna Eat That?

This antipyretic/non-opioid analgesic should be used cautiously in the setting of hepatic disease or alcoholism

What is acetaminophen?


Monitor respiratory rate and blood pressure frequently while giving this medication, often used for severe acute pain or to supplement general anesthesia

What is fentanyl?


Patients taking certain statins, calcium channel blockers, or antiarrhythmics should avoid this fruit juice, as it may block drug metabolism and cause unsafely high drug levels in the body

What is grapefruit juice?

This opioid analgesic suppresses the cough reflex in addition to decreasing severity of pain

What is codeine?


This non-opioid analgesic may cause Reye syndrome if given to children with flu-like symptoms or chicken pox

What is aspirin?


In general, the first dose of this medication class should not be given until after specimens are obtained for culture and sensitivity

What are antibiotics?


Broccoli, brussels sprouts, and spinach contain large amounts of this, known to interfere with the safety and efficacy of anticoagulants

What is vitamin K?


This anticonvulsant, also used to treat panic disorder, produces sedative effects by stimulating inhibitory GABA receptors

What is Clonazepam?


Drugs in this class may result in physical dependency and should NOT be given when respiratory rate is less than 12 per minute

What are opioid analgesics?


Patients taking thes should be instructed to report excessive bruising, prolonged bleeding Before administering this drug, consider risk for bleeding and ensure appropriate labs have been assessed (e.g. PTT)

What is heparin?


Foods containing dairy or citrus may impair absorption of drugs of this class

What are antibiotics?


This antihistamine, also known as Zyrtec, may cause CNS depression if given concurrently with opioid analgesics

What is Cetirizine?


This drug class is associated with risk of GI bleeding; the risk increases significantly when taken with alcohol

What are NSAIDs?


This should be done before and regularly throughout administration of hydromorphone via patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump

What is a pain assessment?


Consuming this while taking benzodiazepines drastically increases risk of injury or death due to respiratory depression and decreased reaction time

What is alcohol?


This antibiotic is strongly associated with Clostridioides difficile-associated diarrhea and often used to treat skin infections

What is Clindamycin?

Drugs like morphine, oxycodone, and tramadol reduce pain by binding to these receptors in the brain, effectively blocking the feeling of pain

What are opioid receptors?


Drugs in this class reduce sweating, so patients should take extra care not to become overheated during exercise or hot weather

What are anticholinergics?


Patients taking ACE inhibitors may develop dangerous arrhythmias if taken with foods rich in this element

What is potassium?


This antineoplastic agent is high risk for causing hemorrhagic cystitis, so urinary output must be carefully monitored

What is cyclophosphamide?