Medication Reconiliation
Hope Act
Medication Administration

This happens when there is an omission, duplication, wrong dose or wrong frequency on the home medication list.

What is a medication error?


This MD law, also known as the Heroin and Opioids Preventive Effort was implemented in 2017.

What is the Hope Act?


These times are the standard administration times for TID/Q8hours.

What are 0600, 1400, 2200?


This is where you can see a patient's outpatient prescription refill history in Meditech while doing medication reconciliation.

What is External Medication History?


This medication is given to patients who are treated in the ED for an opioid overdose

What is naloxone/Narcan?

That time that TPN, Warfarin and the second dose for lasix BID is given.

What is 1700?


The staff that are responsible for Medication reconciliation.

Who are nurses, providers, pharmacists, and medication reconciliation technicians?


This is no longer needed to obtain naloxone/Narcan from a pharmacy.

What is a prescription?


The time before and after a scheduled time that immunosuppressants can be given.

What is 30 minutes

This pharmacy staff member is employed specifically to help capture accurate medication history and are available 8-13 hours a day in the ED.

Who is the medication reconciliation technician?


This is where the Take Home Narcan is documented in the Medical Health record.

What is the MAR (Medication Administration Record)?


For non-time critical medications, the time before and after the dose that the medication can be given.

What is 90 minutes?