True or False
Common Side Effects (name at least 2)
Severe Side Effects
Managing common side effects
Wild Card

Medications are the only way to treat mental health symptoms.




dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, headache, indigestion, nausea


What should be done if severe side effects are noticed?

Contact your doctor, but if life-threatening, seek emergency help or call 911


How might one manage constipation?

increase water intake, get 30 minutes of physical activity, eat high-fiber foods


These strategies can help you remember when to take medications  (name 2).

writing due times in planner, setting an alarm on your phone, using a pill organizer, asking friends/family to remind you


Taking psych medications will make you happy.

They might help! But there's not a direct cause and effect. The misinformation that medications are "happy pills" can perpetuate the stigma around mental health medications.



dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, headache, nausea, habit formation


Name 2 symptoms of extrapyramidal symptoms (caused by antipsychotic use)

shuffling gait, rigidity, tremors, involuntary muscle movements, restlessness


How might one manage low blood pressure?

stay hydrated, change positions slowly


True or False: People taking psych medications are at higher risk for physical safety concerns during warmer weather.

True. Many psych medications affect the body's ability to maintain and regulate heat, including antipsychotics, meds with anticholinergic effects (allergy meds, hydroxyzine), stimulants, and some blood pressure meds like beta blockers, and calcium channel blockers. 


I should only take my medications when I have symptoms.

Depends: how has your doctor instructed you to take them? Some medications will only work if taken on a regular basis (most antidepressants, mood stabilizers, etc), while others can be taken "as needed" for symptoms (some anxiety medications). If you aren't sure, ask!



dizziness, weight gain, drowsiness, constipation or diarrhea, orthostatic hypotension, dry mouth, restlessness


Name 2 symptoms of allergic reaction

skin rash, hives, itching, fever, swelling, difficulty breathing, wheezing


How might one manage dry mouth?

sip on water, use lozenges, use OTC mouth moisturizing products (i.e, Biotene mouthwash)


Medications in the "antipsychotic" drug class are only for people who are experiencing psychosis.

False: antipsychotics decrease the transmission of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which can play a role in symptoms caused by a variety of mental health diseases, including severe depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, GAD, OCD


If two patient have the same diagnosis, they can take the same medication.

Maybe! But not definitely. Medications shouldn't be shared between friends or family members if not prescribed, even if they have the same symptoms.


Mood stabilizers

dizziness, headache, insomnia, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea


Name 2 symptoms of serotonin syndrome (caused by some antidepressants)

fever, muscle rigidity, anxiety, agitation, increased heart rate, confusion


How might one manage weight gain?

Get 30 minutes of physical activity daily, choose more unprocessed foods, increase intake of vegetables/fruits


Abruptly stopping this medication type can cause symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, chills, headache, and nervousness



Once I feel better, I should stop taking medications.

Maybe: but not without discussing with your doctor. In general, acute conditions have a shorter course of treatment and chronic conditions require longer-term treatment.



difficulty falling or staying asleep, loss of appetite, stomach pain, headache


Name 2 symptoms of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (caused by antipsychotics)

delirium, confusion, high fever, muscle rigidity


How might one manage fatigue or insomnia?

Talk to doctor about changing when you take medications (day vs night), take short naps to combat fatigue or increase physical activity and avoid caffeine to combat insomnia


Name at least 2 celebrities or well-known people who have experienced mental health illnesses

Prince Harry, Chrissy Tiegen, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Demi Lovato, Kendrick Lamar, Wayne Brady, John Hamm, Kid Cudi, Lady Gaga, Jim Carrey, Brian Wilson, Carrie Fisher, J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, Mark Twain, Abraham Lincoln, Adele, Beyoncé, Miley Cyrus, Ellen DeGeneres, Nicki Minaj, Winona Ryder, Selena Gomez, Kristen Bell, Kerry Washington, Gwenyth Paltrow, Halle Berry, Princess Diana, Glenn Close, and so on!