A client states that she is using a "herbal" therapy while receiving chemotherapy. The nurse should:

1. Determine what substance the client is using, and make sure that the physician is aware of all therapies the client is using.
2. Guide the client into using either western or alternative medicine.
3. Encourage the client to seek alternative modalities that do not require the ingestion of substances.
4. Recommend that the client stop using the alternative medicines immediately.
Answer: Determine what substance the client is using, and make sure that the physican is aware of all therapies the client is using.
A client questions a visiting nurse about medical marijuana. He states that he is considering growing his own medical marijuana as an alternative to his prescription drugs. The nurse should inform the client that: (choose all that apply)

1. There is no way for him to determine the potency of a home grown product.
2. marijuana is not always an effective alternative to prescription medicines.
3. Often there are undesirable side effects caused by marijuana use.
4. Marijuana will never be accepted for its medicinal value.
1,2, and 3.
5. The DEA classifies Marijuana as ?

A. Schedule II drug
B. Schedule I drug
C. A leisure activity
D. Completely Legal
B. Schedule I drug
Which statement by the patient requires further teaching on oral cannabinoids?

a. When I take Dronabinol my hunger will immediately increase.
b. I may have to have multiple adjustments made to my medication
c. Dronabinol and Nablione are legal in the United States
d. Oral forms do not work as quickly as inhaling marijuana
a. When I take Dronabinol my hunger will immediately increase.
The student nurse asks the registered nurse to explain the difference between physical and psychological dependence on a drug such as a marijuana ? Which of the following responses by the nurse is accurate ?

A. Psychological dependence results in the development of withdrawal symptoms if the substance is discontinued.
B. Physical dependence is the usual factor in a clients relapse during addiction therapy.
C. Physical dependence can occur quickly with repeated doses, especially with IV drugs.
D. Psychological dependence does not interfere with the client s lifestyle.
B. Physical dependence is the usual factor in a clients relapse during addiction therapy.
The nurse is teaching the client who is receiving chemotherapy about how to manage possible nausea. She states that she has heard that marijuana may help with this but she wants to try other things first. The nurse should recommend:

1. Eating three normal meals a day.
2. Eating only cold foods with no odor.
3. limiting the amount of food intake.
4. Eating frequent, small meals throughout the day.
4. Eating frequent, small meals throughout the day.
1. What made it federal crime for a physician to prescribe marijuana?

A. Bill Clinton
B. Moms Against Marijuana Act
C. The Senate Act of 1955
D. The Controlled Substance Act of 1970
D. The Controlled Substance Act of 1970
6. The side effects of marijuana are (Select All that apply)?

A. Tachycardia
B . Fluctuation in Blood Pressure
C. Cramping
D. Weight Gain
E. Seizure
A. Tachycardia B. Fluctuation in Blood Pressure D. Weight Gain
Which disease would a patient most likely use the oil from marijuana leaves to help alleviate their symptoms?

a. Poison ivy
b. Alopecia
c. Acne
d. Eczema
a. Poison ivy b. Alopecia c. Acne d. Eczema
A 28-year-old male client admits to using marijuana regularly to try to boost his sexual performance. Which of the following is true of the effects of marijuana ?

A. Marijuana can reduce testosterone levels and sperm production.
B. Frequent marijuana use can enhance sexuality.
C. Even a small amount of marijuana can cause impotence.
D. Marijuana has no effect on effect on sexuality.
A. Marijuana can reduce testosterone levels and sperm production.
A client states he does not want to take prescribed Nabilone a synthetic cannibinoid, because he is afraid he will become addicted to the drug. The response by the nurse is based on the knowledge that:

1. Dependence on Nabilone frequently occurs among postoperative clients.
2. Addiction to prescription drugs is rare when they are used according to protocol.
3. Female clients are more likely to become addicted.
4. Addiction is rare if the client only uses Nabilone for 2-3 days.
2. Addiction to prescription drugs is rare when they are used according to protocol.
2. The American Heart Association warned that Marijuana can be associated with (Select all that apply)?

A. Dyslipidemia
B. Hypertension
D. High Caloric Intake
E. Erectile Dysfunction
A,B, and D
A patient complains of nausea and vomiting following a chemotherapy treatment. What is a legal medication that can be given for these symptoms if prescribed?

a. Methadone
b. Dronabinol
c. Narcan
d. Dimenhydrinate
b. Dronabinol
When taken by mouth has been shown to increase appetite in clients who are diagnosed with ?

A. Advanced stage cancer
C. Pneumonia
D Sickle Cell
How many leaves are on a pot plant?

1. Two
2. Three
3. Four
4. Five
A client with a history of glaucoma presents to the Emergency Department with euphoria, paranoia, and complaints of severe thirst and hunger. He insists that the nurse give him chocolate for his hunger. The nurse suspects substance abuse of what drug:

1. Heroin
2. Crack
3. Barbiturates.
4. Marijuana
4. Marijuana
3. The Fastest way to deliver the Marijuana to the bloodstream?

A. I.V.
B. Brownies
C. Inhalation
C. Inhalation
A group of nursing students are learning about the possible effects of medical marijuana on certain diseases. The instructor decides no further teaching is needed when the students identify which patient’s use correctly:

a. A 35 year old with Parkinson’s using marijuana to feel hungry again.
b. A 63 year old patient with multiple sclerosis using marijuana to decrease the amount of UTIs
c. A 15 year old patient with epilepsy using marijuana to feel cool
d. A 56 year old patient with glaucoma using marijuana to cure his disease.
b. A 63 year old patient with multiple sclerosis using marijuana to decrease the amount of UTIs
After teaching a client about the possible side effects of Cannabis therapy which statement by the client indicates a need for further teaching ?

A. I may experience bloodshot eyes.
B. I may feel paranoid.
C. I may feel dizzy.
D. My blood pressure may increase.
D. My blood pressure may increase.
Where was the first marijuana plant found?

1. Africa
2. China
3. USA
4. Brazil
2. China
The nurse should determine that the client has a knowledge deficit related to substance abuse when the client states:

1. "Marijuana is like smoking cigarettes. Everyone does it. It's essentially harmless."
2. "As long as I use my medicines properly there is little chance of addiction."
3. “Addiction only happens to people who are mentally unstable.”
4. “Hey! It’s natural, I can use as much as I want.”
"Marijuana is like smoking cigarettes. Everyone does it. It's essentially harmless."
4. The Synthetic pill form of marijuana that is legal to prescribe Is?

A. Heparin
B. Marinol
C. Marijuana A
D. Mary-Janeilol
B. Marinol
Name 3 diseases medicinal marijuana can be used for
Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Migraines, MS, epilepsy, glaucoma, Lyme’s disease, AIDS, Cancer
Which client statement indicates a knowledge deficit related to substance abuse ?

A. Although its legal, alcohol is one of the most widely abused drugs in our society.
B. Tolerance to heroin develops quickly.
C. Flashbacks from LSD use may reoccur spontaneously.
D. Marijuana is like smoking cigarettes. Everyone does it. Its essentially harmless.
D. Marijuana is like smoking cigarettes. Everyone does it. Its essentially harmless.
What durable, soft fiber is derived from the marijuana plant?

1. Hemp
2. Cotton
3. Silk
4. Lycra
1. Hemp