The Rise of African Civilizations
Africa's Governments and Religions
African Society and Culture
Random Medieval History

What is one reason that Africa has such a varied geography?

Africa’s large size makes it highly diverse; it also spans much of two hemispheres


Who is Mali's richest and most famous ruler?

Mansa Musa


Which geographic feature stopped the Bantu migrations? Why might this feature have stopped them?

the Sahara because it was too harsh and dry for people to cross easily


What are the three different art forms that we studied in West Africa? Give an example of each.

Music: djembe (drums)

Visual Art: clothing, masks

Oral/Written Tradition: folktales, griots sharing village histories


What are the central ideas of the Bushido code?

It demands that samurai always be loyal, brave, and honorable, and not care about material things.


What were two valuable products traded through Ghana?

salt and gold


What tasks did African rulers perform in exchange for loyalty from their people?

They settled disputes, controlled trade, and defended their empire.

How did increased contact with other parts of the world affect the trade of enslaved people in Africa?

contact with Muslim merchants and Europeans caused this trade to grow


Why were masks and statues an important part of African culture?

they were apart of religious and educational activities


Describe turtle ships.

ships plated with iron and spikes on top so that enemies wouldn’t board the ship

Koreans designed these ships to specifically combat Japanese tactics at sea


In what ways were Ghana’s military and the trade dependent on each other?

Ghana’s military enabled the king to control gold and salt trade; profits from that allowed the king to pay for the military/equip them with iron weapons


What are three significant pieces of information from Mansa Musa's life and rule?

He is Mali's most famous and richest ruler.

He spread Islam throughout his empire.

He went on a pilgrimage to Mecca, which increased Mali's fame throughout the world.

He brought back Muslim scholars to Mali and made Timbuktu a center of Muslim learning.


In general, what two purposes did African art forms serve?

They connected people to the Gods, spirits, and ancestors. They also helped teach people about their community’s history and folktales, since no written language had been developed


How did Africa’s climate zones affect people’s ability to raise crops?

people could raise crops in the tropical rainforest, tropical grasslands, and mild Mediterranean climate. Sahel and desert zones make it difficult to grow crops


Why did Buddhism become widely adopted in China?

as the Han dynasty began declining, civil war broke out → Buddhism taught people that there could be an escape from any suffering in their lives


What challenge did early traders in North Africa face? How did they respond to the challenge?

the Sahara Desert was a barrier to trade; animals used for trade were inadequate; traders began using camels for transportation across the desert


How were African rulers' relationships with their subjects different from those of other rulers?

African rulers had closer relationships with common people than rulers in other civilizations.


Why was the history of communities taught through the arts?

They had an oral tradition, where history and culture were learned through stories and songs rather than from written sources. Children learned language, family history, and songs from their mothers.


Why do you think writings such as those from Ibn Battuta are so valuable to historians?

Writings such as these provide historians with a firsthand account of a particular time in history. Observations such as the ones he made can give historians insights into a particular group of people.


What made Mecca an important religious center for early Arabians?

the Kaaba, a religious site with statues of the Arabian Gods and Goddesses, was located in Mecca


How did the empire of Mali grow so large under Mansa Musa?

tax revenues allowed the empire to expand; Mansa Musa used the empire’s wealth to make Timbuktu a center of Muslim art and learning


What was one common religious belief of most African religions?

Most African religions believed in the existence of a single creator God.


What developments in world history might have caused the slave trade to grow from 1450-1800?

Increase in European involvement in Africa and exploration in the Americas likely caused the slave trade to grow during this period.


Why did Axum become a prosperous trading center?

its location on the Red Sea made it an important trading center; it was located on a trade route connecting Africa, the Mediterranean world, and India


What were the economic effects of the Black Death?

The large number of deaths caused a decline in trade. Wages increased because of high demand for workers. Fewer people meant there was less demand for food, so food prices dropped. Landlords had to pay scarce workers more, and some peasants began to pay rent instead of providing services. The Black Death also weakened feudalism.