Goings On
The period between 500-1450 C.E., the times between the Golden Ages of ancient Rome and the Renaissance, including the Byzantine and Muslim empires, in addition to the medieval era.
What is the Middle Ages?
The large estate located on a fief, usually including a village and surrounding farmlands. The lord lived in this estate, and protected the peasants who were under his domain.
What is a manor?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!! Draw a feudalistic pyramid, with the most powerful at the top, and the least powerful at the bottom.
The feudalistic pyramid is on my sheet - have the students bring you their own sheets as individual groups, and judge them accordingly. Please draw the correct answer on the board.
These people were the lowest of the low, bound to the land and the lord who lived in the manor. They were nearly slaves, but could escape, or buy their freedom. Life sucked for these people, who lived in one-room huts and had very little food.
What are serfs?
This religious institution had much influence over everyday life in the medieval era. Its leader is called the Pope.
What is the Roman Catholic Church?
Literally, this term means, "From the Middle Ages," but usually refers to Feudalistic Europe, also known as the Dark Ages because reading and writing took an extreme fall.
What is medieval?
To be banned from the Church and all its goings on, including heaven. Often, one who received this punishment often was ostracized by the rest of society.
What is excommunicate?
If an escaped serf could survive on his/her own for this allotted amount of time, then he/she were granted freedom.
What is a year and a day?
An unpaid worker who is being trained in a craft. The next step was to become a journeyman.
What is an apprentice?
In 768, when this man took the crown out of the Pope's hands and put it on his own head, it was a huge scandal. However, he ruled well for the next 45 years, united Western Europe. This man was known as __________________.
Who is Charlemagne?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!! Explain the term "feudalism" and everything it entails, including the hierarchical structure of power (who had power? who had the least?). Write a paragraph as a group.
Feudalism is the hierarchical structure in medieval Europe. The king owned all the land, but entrusted it to lords (nobility). The lords, in turn, entrusted manors on fiefs to knights, who were "vassals." The serfs worked the fiefs, all but slaves.
I am a knight, given land by my king for my chivalrous deeds. I swore to be loyal to my king and to do his bidding. I am, most willfully his _____________.
What is a vassal?
With the end of the Crusades, this grew in Europe, merchants following routes to Africa and Asia.
What is trade?
These men (monks) and women (nuns) were officials in the Roman Catholic church.
What is the clergy?
The nobles forced this king to sign the Magna Carta at Runnymede after he had been excommunicated from the Church.
Who is King John?
Four wars waged on Muslims by the Roman Catholic Church (begun by Pope Urban II) for the Holy Land of of Palestine, lasting 200 years. Fighters ranged from knights to peasants. These wars would eventually bring about the demise of feudalism.
What are the Crusades?
The concept of a knight in shining armor, who performs heroic deeds to win the love of the beautiful lady. This concept is known as ___________.
What is chivalry?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!! Explain the Black Death, otherwise known as the bubonic plague or simply, the plague. What caused it? Is it still around? What can stop it? Write a paragraph telling everything you know about this awful period in medieval Europe.
The Black Death (bubonic plague) was a disease carried by fleas on rats. It was spread because of the lack of hygiene (ie: throwing human waste out windows onto the streets). It killed 1/3 of Europe's population. It still exists today, but is preventable with cleanliness. There is no cure.
A group of people who all practice a certain trade. Each had rules, set prices and standards for goods, and prevented outsiders from infiltrating their territory. Each member paid dues.
What is a guild?
Today, Jews, Muslims, and Christians still fight over dominion of this Middle Eastern city because it is a holy site for each religion.
What is Jerusalem?
The wars lasting from 1338-1453, begun by King Edward III because he thought he should be king of France after their king died, and continued by subsequent kings.
What is the Hundred Years' War?
The document that was the first step toward England's modern-day government. It limited a king's power over his nobles. The term means "Great Charter" in Latin.
What is the Magna Carta?
The first Crusade, also known as the People's Crusade, in which this man gathered an army of common people and led them to war in the Holy Land of Palestine. It was a bloody, awful period, unorganized and untrained, all because of this man.
Who is Peter the Hermit?
During the Middle Ages, many Christians made a journey to Jerusalem for religious reasons. Turkish Muslims killed these people, sparking the Crusades. Muslims make a religious journey to Mecca called the Haj. People who make travel to a sacred place are known as this.
What are pilgrims?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!! Explain who Joan of Arc was, what she did, at what age, what happened to her, and why she's still famous today. Write a paragraph.
Joan of Arc was a nutcase 17 year-old girl who thought God told her it was her destiny to lead the French army to victory against the English during the Hundred Years' War. She did, bringing about the beginning of the end of the war. Eventually, the English captured her, tried her as a witch, and burned her at the stake. She's now a Catholic saint, and still regarded as a hero to the French for her bravery and piety.