Key People
Ottoman Empire
Safavid & Mughals
The Gunpowder Empires
Ming/Qing Dynasties
Ideas of Bushido
Feudal Japan

Creator of the Safavid Empire who wanted space to practice Islam the way they wanted.



How did the Ottomans handle capturing Constantinople?

renamed Istanbul and became the new capital of the Ottoman Empire.

The Hagia Sophia, a church, was turned into a mosque.


The Mughal Empire on Ackbar was defined by these two religious concepts despite being primarily Islamic.

Religious toleration to non-Muslims

No added taxes on non-Muslims


Who were the Gunpowder Empires?

Ottoman Empire

Safavid Empire

Mughal Empire


The Ming dynasty rose to power following the defeat of this militant group.

The Mongols



true men remain loyal to those to whom they are indebted: Loyalty to a superior was the most distinctive virtue


What is Bushido?

Code of Honor for Samurai. Provides a way of life in areas like: honesty, courage, justice, mercy, loyalty, and self-control.


Leader of the Ottomans responsible for taking over Constantinople with the use of cannons

Mehmed II


How were Ottoman hostages handled?

Split into two groups:

Those who have performed hard labor are made Janissaries. 

Those who are educated in the seraglios become spahis or higher officers of state.


Safavid factors that made it an "Age of Islam"

Leader power limited by the words of Quran

Alms to the poor

Use of mosques

Spread due to conquests


What types of arts were used by these empire?

All created extravagant buildings, using Islam as their inspiration (elaborate decorated mosques)

All used textiles in some way shape or form.


To deal with economic issues, what did Hongwu create?

Workshops and factories

New crops and farming techniques

A renovated Grand Canal



Politeness should be the expression of a benevolent regard for the feelings of others; it’s a poor virtue if it’s motivated only by a fear of offending good taste.


How did Tokugawa Ieyasu change Feudal Japan?

He worked to control the warrior classes:

samurai became bureaucrats and served in public office.

daimyos were held "hostage" in the capital where they had to pay to live.


Leader of the Mughal Empire who brought "great" religious toleration and acceptance of non Muslims

Ackbar the Great



Suleyman the Magnificent brought much greatness to the Ottoman Empire. List his achievements and earn points for each achievement you get.

  • Took on bold military campaigns that increased the amount of territory controlled by the Ottoman

  • Increased naval strength allowed them to conquer parts of North Africa 

  • Oversaw achievements of Ottoman civilization in the fields of law, literature, art, and architecture

  • Built strong fortresses to defend his territories 

  • Adorned and modernized the cities of the Islamic world (including Mecca, Damascus, and Baghdad) with mosques, bridges, aqueducts, and other public works


Safavid factors that made it an "Age of Gunpowder"

New weaponry used in hunting

Weapons viewed as highly important

Weapon training happened frequently


Compare/Contrast the usage of religion by the Gunpowder Empires


All follow Islam, use mosques to pray


Different ways of practicing Islam (Shia for Safavids, Sunni for Ottomans), varying views on toleration (Mughals had lots of it, Safavids had none)


Ming dynasty views and treatment of outsiders.

Viewed outsiders as "younger brothers"

Fairly positive treatment with both physical and cultural exchanges that were mutually beneficial.


Honesty and Sincerity

raised to believe that talking about money showed poor taste, and that ignorance of the value of different coins showed good breeding: Bushido encouraged thrift, not for economical reasons so much as for the exercise of abstinence. Luxury was thought the greatest menace to manhood, and severe simplicity was required of the warrior class


Explain how the ideas of seppuku relate to a samurai's life. (what it is, specifics on when it would be used by the samurai)

Seppuku is a ritual of suicide used by samurai if they are dishonored.

Being dishonored has subjective meanings but could occur breaking any part of the code of Bushido.


Leader of the Ming dynasty who brought many advancements to the areas of government, social structures and crop farming are the removal of the Mongolians



How were the Ottomans split into social classes?

Men of Pen

Men of Sword

Men of Negotiation

Men of Husbandry



Safavid factors that made it an "Age of Trade"

Abundance of goods

The selling of Persian carpets throughout Eurasia

Taxes on trade

Provided help to less fortunate


Compare/Contrast usage of gunpowder by these Empires


All developed forms of guns and explosives


The Ottomans became conquerors with this tech, the Safavids remained in their small area using it for protections, the Mughals used the technology to unite India.


Qing dynasty views and treatment of outsiders

Viewed Europeans poorly due to internal issues.

Allowed trade but in isolated settings on an island.

Eventually rejected European trade before decline



Rectitude is one’s power to decide upon a course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering; to die when to die is right, to strike when to strike is right


Describe the role of samurai and the daimyos in one shogunate of Feudal Japan. Be sure to label which shogunate.

Kamakura - samurai served primarily as mounted warriors with bows, daimyos were land owners who ran smaller provinces.

Muromachi samurai served as warriors and became nobles, daimyos were know as shugos and held economic power along with military/government power.

Momoyama - samurai serve daimyo directly as warriors, daimyos have the majority of the power over shoguns.


Leader of Feudal Japan who is responsible for plunging Japan into the modern era by controlling the samurai and ensuring the daimyos did not rebel against his shogunate.

Tokugawa Ieyasu


Describe the training and conditions of Janissaries.

accustomed to privation of food, drink, and comfortable clothing and to hard labor. 

They are exercised in shooting with the bow and arquebuse by day, and spend the night in a long, lighted hall, with an overseer, who walks up and down, and permits no one to stir.

the younger continue to obey the elders in silence and submission, but all are governed with such strictness that no one is permitted to spend the night abroad, and whoever is punished is compelled to kiss the hand of him who inflicts the punishment.



What factors led Ackbar the Great to success? To get credit, provide the factor with an evidence example. Bonus points for each factor given.






Evidence will vary 


Compare/Contrast roles of women in these empires.


Women in Islam subject to many of the same laws from the Quran


The Ottoman women were lower then men in society but had a higher legal position than the Quran stated.

Safavid women followed the rules of the Quran only.

Women in the Mughal Empire took part in giving political vice and sometimes owned lands due to Indian history.


How was the society of Qing dynasty structured? Be sure to discuss hairstyles, family and women.

Due to rebellion, Manchu males expected to wear queue hairstyle

Society structured around family unit: family = clan with extended family up to four generations

Women caretakers of the home and many expected to have bound feet to increase "marriageability"


Character and Self-Control

Know right from wrong: it is not debatable.

it is a man’s obligation to teach his children moral standards through the model of his own behavior: The first objective of samurai education was to build up Character. The subtler faculties of prudence, intelligence, and dialectics were less important.


Label the social structure of Japan in order, with the role/power for each of the groups.

Emperor - figurehead, no real power

Shogun - military leader and true power in Japan

Daimyo - local leaders, serve the shogun

Samurai - warrior class, serves daimyos and peasants

Peasants - low class farmers and artisans

Merchants - lowest level class