Byzantine Empire
The Black Death
Medieval Life

Who was the greatest Byzantine emperor?

Emperor Justinian


Who is the head of the Catholic Church? 

The Pope

What was the goal of the Crusades? 

To win control of Jerusalem so pilgrims could visit it.


Name three symptoms of the Black Death

Buboes, fever, vomiting, coughing, chills, aches, delirium, internal bleeding, lack of blood flow to extremities (gangrene turns them black)

Who is the peasant girl who heard voices and led France to defeat England? 

Joan of Arc


Which sport had fan clubs whose riot almost destroyed the capital? 

Chariot racing


What do you call the people who work for the church? 



Who were the Christian crusaders fighting against? 

Muslim Turks (later Kurds)


How did the plague pass to humans? 

The bacteria was in rats, fleas bit rats then humans, later humans could spread it by coughing. 


What is a guild? 

An organization of merchants or craftsmen that helps set prices, work hours, deal with complaints, and takes care of their family if they are unable to work.


Give one example of how Constantinople's geography made it stronger.

Surrounded by water on three sides with mountains in the north, it was easier to defend. It was also at a crossroads for trade which made it rich. 


What does "iconoclasm" mean? 

Smashing icons


Why was the disorganized Christian army able to win the first crusade? 

Muslims were distracted by internal fighting.


Whose army catapulted the bodies of plague victims into an enemy city as biological weapons?

The Mongols


Name one impact of the Hundred Years War. 

New tech means end of chivalry, knights, and castles. End of feudalism because kings don't need lords for armies. Armies & taxes focus on common people, not lords. Rise of nationalism: people feel loyal to the idea of a nation, not a local lord. Pope loses more power. England faces terrible civil war, War of the Roses, leading to a new Royal family. 


What language did people in the Byzantine empire speak? 



What power did popes have to punish kings? 

Excommunication (kicking people out of Christian society)


Who were the two great generals of the third crusade? 

Saladin and Richard the Lionheart


How did the Black Death change the power of the Church? 

People didn't believe in the church any more and many of the clergy were dead. The church was seen as corrupt or powerless. 


Why is the Magna Carta important?

It protected the rights of nobles and limited the king's power. Over time, this idea was expanded to protect the rights of more people. It became the foundation for our Constitution. 


Why did the Byzantine Empire fall? 

Over time, emperors and the capital city became weaker. The emperor couldn't afford to buy cannons, a new technology, but his enemies did and used it to destroy the walls.

Name two things the Eastern and Western church disagreed on.

Divorce, language, praying to icons, priests marrying, who should be head of the church (emperor or pope), whether a woman could be head of country/church, excommunication


Why was the fourth crusade a disaster?

The crusaders were in debt so they attacked Christian cities. It was about power and politics, not faith.


How did the Black Death change the power of the feudal system?

There weren't enough workers (labor shortage) so peasants could demand more pay and rights in exchange for work. 


What does "chivalry" mean? 

A code of conduct for knights and nobles, which says they should be loyal, brave, honest, and protect those who are weaker (women and peasants).