What year did the Roman Empire Fall?
What is 476 CE?
What were the Viking ships called?
What are long ships?
What weapon did knights use in combat and tournaments?
What is the Lance?
At what age did a boy begin training to become a Knight?
What Is 7?
What were some of the main food items eaten by peasants?
What are breads, beans, cereals, stews?
Which part of the Roman Empire Fell?
What is the Western part?
What are the Vikings most famous for?
What is pillaging and raiding?
A spiked metal ball attached to a wooden handle by a rope, chain, or hinge is known as what?
What is a Flail?
At age 15 if good enough a Paige became a what?
What is a Squire?
What was the common Sweetener used during the Middle Ages?
What is Honey?
What caused the Roman Empire to fall?
What is greed, corruption, inflation, over expansion, high taxes, plague, and famine?
What Countries did the Vikings come from?
What are Norway, Sweden, and Denmark (Scandinavia)?
The War Hammer was considered what type of weapon - Distance or Close Contact?
What is close contact?
What is assisting his Knight, practicing with his weapons, and proving himself in battle?
What were the common drinks across all classes during the Middle Ages?
What are Ales and Beer?
What Germanic Tribes contributed to the Fall of the Roman Empire?
Who are the Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Saxons, Franks, and Vandals?
The Vikings were known to be brave what?
What are Sailors and Explorers?
Medieval weapons were mainly used by these three groups?
What are Knights, Archers, and Soldiers?
Who did the Knight serve?
What is his Lord and the King?
What did Royalty eat during the Middle Ages?
What are exotic meats, fruits, vegetables, seasoned stews and deserts?
What was happening in the Eastern Roman Empire when the Fall of Rome occurred?
What is - It was thriving?
What were the Viking religious beliefs?
What is - They were Pagans and worshiped many Gods?
The Cross Bow was powerful enough to do what?
What is kill a Knight in full armor?
What sacrifice did a boy have to make in order to become a Knight?
What is leave home and live in the house of his Lord?
What are examples of exotic spices available only to the wealthy and Royalty?
What are black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, saffron, nutmeg, mace, and cloves?