The Canterbury Tales
Gawain and the Green Knight
The Pardoner's Tale
The Wife of Bath's Tale
The pilgrims are heading to this location.
What is Canterbury Cathedral?
The "backbone" of the feudal system, this group made up the bulk of medieval armies.
What are knights?
The first man to accept the Green Knights challenge is this character.
Who is King Arthur?
The people of this time period were dying from.
What is the bubonic/black plague?
As punishment for his crime, the knight is sent on a quest to discover this.
What is what women want most?
The remains of this man, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, are located at the pilgrims' destination.
Who is Thomas a Becket?
This group was the largest in the entire feudal system. They were slaves in all but name.
What are the serfs?
Gawain is given this length of time to seek out the Green Chapel.
What is a year and a day?
The rioters are shown where death awaits them by this character.
What is the old man/death himself?
The knight can't discover the answer to the queen's question for this reason.
What is every woman tells him something different?
The pilgrims leave during this time of year.
What is Spring?
These people were skilled at a specific vocation that made them valuable. They earned a slight wage and could travel from estate to estate to ply their trade.
What are craftsmen/artisans?
This is the first gift offered the Gawain by the lady of the castle.
What is a golden ring?
The young rioter kills his two companions in this way.
What is he poisons their wine?
The knight is given this amount of time to accomplish his quest.
What is a year and a day?
This is the number of pilgrims that are traveling to Canterbury.
What is 30?
Divinely appointed and approved by the pope, this tiny group ruled over vast kingdoms.
What are kings/queens?
Gawain actually accepts this gift from the lady of the castle.
What is the green sash?
The old man has searched the entire world to find a solution to this problem.
What is he cannot die?
The knight FIRST gives this reason for not being able to marry the old woman.
What is she is not of noble birth?
This is the name of the king who had the Archbishop of Canterbury assassinated.
Who was King Henry the VIII?
This group, despite not technically being a part of the feudal pyramid, wielded ultimate power over it.
What is the papacy/church?
This is the reason given by the Green Knight for wounding Gawain.
What is he lied about the sash?
The old man complains that _________________ is wasted on the _______________.
What is youth/the young?
Before her tale, The Wife of Bath laments that elves, spirits, and other fey creatures were pushed out of the land when this institution came into existence (hint: it's the same group he's highly critical of throughout The Canterbury Tales).
What is the Catholic Church?