Chaucer's Prologue
Pardoner's Tale
Wife of Bath's Tale
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Finish That Lyric!
This man had an ulcer on his knee, but was good at his job.
What is the cook
There were how many rioters.
What is three
The crime the Knight commited.
What is rape
The weapon used to strike the other in the deal.
What is a long-bladed battle ax
Finish this line - "Oh mickey you're so fine you're fine..."
What is "you blow my mind"
A privileged, social person that was well-traveled and had many husbands.
What is the Wife of Bath
The three rioters were looking for this.
What is Death
The question the Knight had to answer to pardon his crime.
What is "What is the thing that women most desire?"
The place where the Green Knight and Gawain make their deal.
What is Christmas season party
Finish this line - "Don't ya wish your girlfriend..."
What is "was hot like me"
A very happy person, who liked to have fun and host parties.
What is Franklin
Name one of the people who tried to warn the rioters of death.
What is the tavern-knave (serving boy) or the publican (tavern keeper)
The person who gave the Knight the answer to his question.
What is an old woman
The city this story takes place.
What is Camelot
Finish the next two lines - "We've got to hold on to what we've got. It doesn't make a difference if..."
What is "we make it or not we've got each other and that's a lot for love."
The pardoner sold ____ and passed it for ____.
What is a pillowcase and Our Lady's veil
The person who sold the youngest rioter the poison.
What is the apothecary.
The question the old woman asked the man in the end.
What is "To have me old and ugly until I die, but still a loyal, true, and humble wife... Or would you rather I were young and pretty and chance your arm what happens in a city where friends will visit you because of me."
The name of Gawain's horse.
What is Gringolet
Say/sing the next two lines - "Playing with the queen of hearts. Knowing it ain't really smart..."
What is "The joker ain't the only fool. Who'll do anything for you."
The color of the Miller's beard.
What is red
What was ironic about where they found death.
What is they were told he was under the tree but he wasn't there when they got there. They ended up killing each other under the tree and this is how they found death.
The wise poet of the Florentines.
What is Dante
Gawain blames this person for causing his meeting with the Green Knight.
What is Satan
Say/Sing the nest two lines - "Making my way down town walking fast, faces past and I'm home bound..."
What is "Staring blankly ahead, just making my way, making a way through the crowd."