Feudal System
le Morte d'Arthur
Gawain and the Green Knight
Canterbury Pilgrims
Canterbury Tales
This is the largest class in the feudal system.
What is the serfs or peasants?
Arthur's queen who has an affair with his most trusted knight and is later claimed by his son.
Who is Guinivere?
The Green Knight comes to with only this weapon.
What is an ax?
This man represents the peasant class. He is warty, disgusting, and crude.
Who is the Miller?
The three revelers go off in search of this.
What is death?
This class was the highest mortal ranking. They ruled over large provinces.
What is the barons?
Modred promises this to the people of England in return for their allegiance.
What is peace?
This man is the FIRST to accept the Green Knight's challenge?
Who is King Arthur?
This character can't let go of the past. He hasn't realized that heroes are only meant for legends and story books anymore.
Who is The Knight?
The Pardoner's Tale is supposed to chastise this particular sin.
What is greed?
This class was the "backbone" of the feudal system. They made up the bulk of medieval armies.
What are the knights?
This rule is used as an homage to the holy trinity. It is believed to be a blessed number.
What is the rule of three?
Gawain has this length of time in order to find the Green Chapel.
What is a year and a day?
This character is poor and trying to reach the next social class using his education.
Who is the Oxford Cleric?
The knight, from the Wife of Bath's Tale, is given a second chance by this character.
What is the queen?
This class is considered divinely appointed (via divine right).
What is the king?
This knight was once loyal to Arthur, but he has sided with Lancelot and acts as his close advisor.
Who is Sir Bors?
This item is forced upon Gawain with promises that it will protect him from death.
What is the sash?
This man is a contrast to the Miller. He is truly content being a peasant. He takes joy in the simple life.
Who is the Plowman?
The revelers are told that Death is responsible for thousands of death in a nearby city. In reality, these deaths were likely a result of this.
What is the bubonic plague (or black death)?
The Battle of Hastings was during this year.
What is 1066?
This woman is the mother of Modred. She is one of the queens that takes the dead Arthur away.
Who is Morgan le Faye?
The final events of the story occur on this holiday.
What is New Year's Eve?
This man loves Epicurean delights (food, wine, and women). He throws lavish parties and represents the excess of the royal class.
Who is the Friar?
The Wife of Bath has been married this many times.
What is five?