Why did the Church ban theatre the first time? (at least two of the three reasons)
What is its association with pagan gods, they believed it led to a sinful life, and they believed it mocked religion?
This type of Medieval play was inspired by sword and Morris dance.
What is mummer's?
Stories from the Bible
What is mystery?
The three eras or sections of the middle ages.
What are Early or Dark, High, and Late?
Early middle ages featured this type of architecture.
What is Romanesque?
The Church brought a version of theatre back with the Quem Quaritis...in what year did they do that?
What is 925AD?
Once plays moved away from the Church porches, they were taken over by and supported by these groups.
What are guilds?
Allegorical stories about humankind's fight between good and evil.
What is morality play?
Why were the early middle ages called the dark ages?
What is because there was little art, literature, or scientific advancement?
During the high middle ages, the invention of the rib vault and flying buttresses allowed for larger cathedrals, like the Cathedral of Notre Dame, featuring this type of architecture?
What is Gothic?
The neutral playing area in a cathedral
What is a platea or plateau?
Most mummer's play, even though secular in nature, featured this popular character of the time.
Who is Saint George?
Stories about saints' lives.
What is miracle?
The Medieval period when the black plague decimated nearly half of the European population.
What is the late middle ages?
Name a couple explorers from the middle ages.
Set pieces in the Church
What are mansions?
The three parts of a Mummer's Play.
What are announcement, story, and celebration?
The most popular, still-performed, morality play.
What is Everyman?
Surviving literature from the middle ages. (List one of three.)
What are Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, or Song of Roland?
This structure was used by guilds to move their plays through the streets.
What is a pageant wagon?
This pope banned clergy from participating in any dramatic reading in 1210 AD.
Who is Pope Innocent III?
This city has a Mummer's parade every year on January 1.
What is Philadelphia?
The oldest Morality play
What is The Castle Perseverance?
The most important invention of the middle ages.
What is the printing press?
Name one of the two things that had to be invented before the printing press.
What are eyeglasses or mechanized production of paper?