Spread of Christianity
Towns and Trade
Early Medieval Times

How had the role of monasteries changed by the 1200s?

A      They had mostly closed down and been replaced by mendicant orders.

B      They had abandoned their role in education to focus on farming.

C      They had survived only in rural areas.

D      They had become centers of agriculture, and many were located in towns.

D      They had become centers of agriculture, and many were located in towns.


Under the feudal system, what did lords grant to their vassals?

A      freedom

B      money

C      loyalty

D      fiefs

D      fiefs


Which statements describe results of the horse-powered plow? Choose the TWO correct answers.

A      Surplus food allowed people to pursue other jobs.

B      Serfs became bound to the land.

C      Farmers brought more land into cultivation.

D      The manor system developed.

A      Surplus food allowed people to pursue other jobs.


C      Farmers brought more land into cultivation.


Which Germanic tribe defeated the last Roman army in Western Europe?

A      the Jutes

B      the Saxons

C      the Huns

D      the Franks

D      the Franks


A map showing Europe’s topography would include

A      major cities.

B      national boundaries.

C      mountain ranges.

D      trade routes.

C      mountain ranges.


How did Christianity bring organization to Europe? Choose the TWO correct answers.

A      Shared faith brought people together.

B      All kings became vassals of the pope.

C      Latin became the common language of all Europeans.

D      The faith led to the formation of new states.

A      Shared faith brought people together.


D      The faith led to the formation of new states.


Medieval manors can best be described as

A      self-sufficient economic units.

B      royal fiefs.

C      centers of industry and trade.

D      small towns containing cathedrals.

A      self-sufficient economic units.


How were craft guilds financed?

A      They required members to pay fees.

B      They accepted donations from other guilds.

C      They were supported by the profits from trade fairs.

D      They were funded by lords of large manors.

A      They required members to pay fees.


A missionary named Patrick played a major role in spreading Christianity to

A      Poland.

B      Britain.

C      Russia.

D      Ireland.

D      Ireland.


Members of both the Franciscan order and the Poor Clares

A      had the power to excommunicate people.

B      preached in rural areas.

C      believed in simplicity and devotion.

D      limited their growth to Italy.

C      believed in simplicity and devotion.


Which Christian figure established the set of rules that governed life in many monasteries and convents throughout medieval Europe?

A      Benedict

B      Gregory

C      Francis of Assisi

D      Patrick

A      Benedict


How did feudalism bring order to Europe? Choose the TWO correct answers.

A      It increased the power of powerful monarchs.

B      It created a strict system of social ranks.

C      It provided defense against foreign invaders.

D      It brought all people under a single religion.

B      It created a strict system of social ranks.


C      It provided defense against foreign invaders.


What was an important advantage of the three-field system of crop rotation?

A      It divided large land holdings among vassals.

B      It increased the amount of land that could be planted every year.

C      It allowed all of a farmer’s land to be planted at once.

D      It produced fewer crops for farmers to harvest.

B      It increased the amount of land that could be planted every year.


Which statement accurately describes both Francis of Assisi and Clare of Assisi?

A      They preached that both faith and reason come from God.

B      They founded mendicant orders.

C      They were martyrs for their beliefs.

D      They lived and worked in large monasteries.

B      They founded mendicant orders.


Why did popes send missionaries into northern Europe?

A      to help Charlemagne rule his empire

B      to prevent Islam from spreading there

C      to convert pagans to Christianity

D      to build cathedrals and establish universities

C      to convert pagans to Christianity


Which of the following descriptions can be used to help complete the table? Choose the TWO correct answers.

A      Nuns used chants to mark the canonical hours of the day.

B      Monasteries served as fortresses when Vikings invaded.

C      Monks provided health care and education.

D      Monasteries preserved books and learning.

Medieval Monasteries

Worship and prayer were central to the community.

People grew their own food and made many of the things needed in daily life.



C      Monks provided health care and education.


D      Monasteries preserved books and learning.


Read the quote describing feudalism.

“The portion of land . . . was divided among them, each freeman, upon receiving his share, binding himself [pledging] to appear in arms [as a soldier] when necessary against . . . enemies . . . ; this military service was the condition on which he received and held his land, and . . . it exempted him [freed him] from every other burden [duty] towards the community. The king . . . had, of course, the largest portion . . . The grant of land on condition of military service was called a fief or a feud . . .”

Under the feudal system, what did vassals promise to provide in exchange for land?

A      chivalric behavior

B      schools and education

C      military protection

D      funds for religious activity

C      military protection


What was one way that Gothic cathedrals differed from churches of the early Middle Ages?

A      They had thicker walls.

B      They had larger windows.

C      They had lower ceilings.

D      They had simpler decorations.

B      They had larger windows.


The Frankish empire Charlemagne created in Western Europe included

A      the Byzantine empire.

B      Spain and France.

C      England and Ireland.

D      France, Germany, and Italy.

D      France, Germany, and Italy.


Which was the Catholic Church’s most powerful tool in maintaining its authority in medieval Europe?

A      its missionary work

B      its monasteries and convents

C      its control over the sacraments

D      its hospitals and schools

C      its control over the sacraments


Which of the following best describes the theme of the timeline?

A      the fall of the Roman Empire

B      the Reformation in Europe

C      the Age of Charlemagne

D      the spread of the Catholic faith

D      the spread of the Catholic faith


Which of the following groups belong in the bottom of the pyramid? Choose the TWO correct answers.

A      Knights

B      Peasants

C      Serfs

D      Monks

B      Peasants


C      Serfs


What was the main goal of the code of chivalry?

A      to train sons of nobles how to fight

B      to regulate life on the manor

C      to teach knights how to behave honorably

D      to increase the power of monarchs

C      to teach knights how to behave honorably


Thomas Aquinas believed that natural law

A      violated church teaching.

B      was unknowable.

C      did not change.

D      could only be understood through faith.

D      could only be understood through faith.


The first medieval universities grew out of schools attached to

A      monasteries.

B      castles.

C      manors.

D      cathedrals.

A      monasteries.