Silk Road
Indian Ocean Trade Network
Trans-Saharan Trade Network
Trade Route Maps
Cultures and Ideas

Who first developed the Silk Road?

What is the Han Dynasty of China under Emperor Wu?


Who first developed the Indian Ocean Trade Network?

What is early Austronesian traders, but also expanded by Arab and Indian traders?


Who first developed the Trans-Saharan Trade Network?

What is the Berber people of North Africa?


Show a map of the Silk Road.

What is:


What religions spread along the Silk Road?

What is Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam?



How early did trade begin on the Silk Road?

What is the 2nd century BCE?


How early did trade begin on the Indian Ocean Trade Network?

What is around 2000 BCE but expanded around the 1st century CE?


How early did trade begin on the Trans-Saharan Trade Network?

What is the 5th century BCE but gained popularity in the 4th century CE with the discovery of camel transportation?


Show a map of the Indian Ocean Trade Network.

What is:


What cultures were encountered along the Indian Ocean Trade Network?

What is Arab, Indian, Chinese, and East African Culture?


Why was the Silk Road created (economic pressures)?

What is a link from Asia to Europe for easier trade and to gain power?


Why was the Indian Ocean Trade Network created (economic pressures)?

What is to use the sea for trade between Africa, the Middle East, and Asia?


Why was the Trans-Saharan Trade Network created (economic pressures)?

What is to trade between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa using camels?


Show a map of the Trans-Saharan Trade Network.

What is:


What cultures were encountered along the Trans-Saharan Trade Network?

What is the culture of Islam and African empires (Mali and Ghana)?


What were the major items traded along the Silk Road?

What is silk, spices, gold, silver, precious stones, and perfumes?


What were the major items traded along the Indian Ocean Trade Network?

What is spices, textiles, gold, ivory, and incense?


What were the major items traded along the Trans-Saharan Trade Network?

What is gold, salt, slaves, ivory, and cloth?


Name five major trading spots along the Silk Road.

What is Xi'an, Samarkand, Kashgar, Baghdad, and Constantinople?


What technology spread though the Silk Road?

What is papermaking and printing?


What technologies or animal domestications were required for the Silk Road?

What is horses, camels, stirrups, and saddles?


What technologies or animal domestications were required for the Indian Ocean Trade Network?

What is the dhow and junk ships, monsoon wind navigation, astrolabe and compasses?


What technologies or animal domestications were required for the Trans-Saharan Trade Network?

What is camel domestication and oases development?


Name five major trading spots along the Indian Ocean Trade Network.

What is Calicut, Zanzibar, Aden, Malacca, and Sofala?


Did diseases spread along the Indian Ocean Trade Network?

What is the plague which contributes to pandemics like the Black Death?