"The Great Fall" & “Trade in the Middle Ages,”

"After the Fall of Rome" & “Medieval Innovations,” & “The Economy of Medieval Towns,”
“The Rise of Monasticism” & "Feudalism"
“The Reign of Charlemagne,” & “Manorialism,”

measuring periods between past, present, and future



experienced decades of invasions by barbarians

Why did the Roman Empire collapse?


building and repairing roads and aqueducts; carrying out laws; paying for big public buildings and ships

What the Romans did before 476 CE

a place where communities of monks live

What is a monastary?


gave the serfs access to the land and provided them with a mill and equipment.

What was the responsibilites of the Lords?


use clocks and calendars in units like seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.

to measure time


enjoyed parties, lived in large homes with servants, and attended civic gatherings in ornate government buildings.

Political Class


This meant that the standard of living declined because there were fewer high-quality goods available.

The loss of skilled people


A lord would be one of the king’s vassals. In turn, the lord would divvy up his land among lesser lords. These lesser lords would be the lord’s vassals. In this way, large areas of Europe were governed.

How could someone be a vassal and a lord at the same time?


worked in the fields and did other necessary chores for the lord of the manor. They were responsible for providing the lord and the lord’s family with some of the food they grew and raised.

What are the responsibilites of the serfs?


Seasons, days, months

The measure of passing time


lived simple lives, especially those at the bottom of the social structure, who had poorly constructed homes and worked hard every day.



Trade is carried out by private individuals (merchants), but merchants rely on certain things provided by the government, particularly roads, military protection, good relationships with other peoples, and support for the monetary system

Why would the end of the central government lead to the disappearance of the trade network?


schools were rare and universities did not exist in Europe at this time

Why did monasteries become centers of learning?


 king of the Franks, a group of people who lived near the Rhine River



What does CE mean?

common era


charging a fee or tax to the merchants who sold their goods

How did landowners make money from Fairs?


trade or professional organizations that set rules and practices to benefit their members and, in some cases, the public.

What are guilds?


an agreement between kings and lords. A lord would become a king’s vassal. The king would give the lord a large amount of land, called a fief, and they would make certain promises to one another. The vassal would swear to fight loyally for the king, while the king pledged to protect and be loyal to the vassal.

How did Feudalism work?


What is Charlemagne remembered for? 

2 answers (200) points a piece

he had always been protective of Christianity (200 points)

focused on education and learning (200 points)


a particular day of the year (ex: Christmas, birthday, etc)

What is a specific date?


it was the only major institution that survived after the fall of Rome.

the church


involved dividing an area of land into three fields. One of the fields was planted in the fall, another was planted in the spring, and the third was left unplanted. Different crops were grown during different years on the same piece of land. This process allowed the soil to recover its nutrients.

What was the three-field rotation system?


Christianity was mostly practiced in European cities. People in the countryside knew little about it. As monasticism became more popular in Europe, monasteries brought Christianity to the countryside.

How did monasticism change Europe


Who crowned Charlmagne the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire because he had always been protective of Christianity

The Pope